Dunfermline Press

Rosyth man honoured with medal from Pope

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

A ROSYTH man has received an award from Pope Francis for his voluntary work for the church and the community.

Richard Steinbach, of Ramsay Place, was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal by Archbishop Cushley on Saturday at a Mass in Linlithgow.

The award is given to those who have shown distinguis­hed service to the Church and the papacy and is the highest medal that the Pope can award to a layperson.

Richard, a parishione­r at St John and Columba in Rosyth, was recognised for his dedication to the Church and the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP), a Catholic charity which he joined in 1998, later becoming diocesan president and national vice president.

A spokesman for the Archdioces­e of St Andrews and Edinburgh said: “His work within the SSVP has been devoted to the good causes of assisting the vulnerable and needy, visiting sick and housebound, providing transport to Mass for limited mobility parishione­rs.

“His care and compassion for others was expressed in many ways, including his active support for the SSVP Fife Furniture Project, and the Missionari­es of Charity Project.

“In the days leading up to Christmas, Richard would be delivering bags of groceries and gifts to those in need. He enthusiast­ically encouraged SSVP Youth activities, visiting schools and arranging visits for the SSVP Youth Developmen­t Co-ordinator.

“No tribute to Richard would be complete without mentioning his wife, Elaine. Many SSVP members rely on the active support of their spouses and Elaine, herself an SSVP member, has always been available to assist him.

“Over the years, Richard has quietly encouraged others to participat­e more fully in the life of the parish.

“On the social side, he is an active supporter and worker for the family fun days and social events organised for the benefit of his parish.

“Richard has exercised his pastoral roles throughout these years with such modesty that the extent of his commitment and involvemen­t within the parish would not be known by many parishione­rs.”

The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award was establishe­d in 1888 and is given to a member of the Catholic faith who has shown distinguis­hed service to the Church and the papacy.

The papal honour is awarded alongside an official scroll.

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 ?? Image: Archdioces­e of St Andrews and Edinburgh ?? HONOUR: Richard and wife Elaine with their family after Mass at St Michael’s in Linlithgow.
Image: Archdioces­e of St Andrews and Edinburgh HONOUR: Richard and wife Elaine with their family after Mass at St Michael’s in Linlithgow.

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