Dunfermline Press

Club continues support for women’s wellbeing

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

A WELLBEING club in Dunfermlin­e is hosting weekly meetings to support women in the area through difficult times.

Women’s Wellbeing Clubs are peer support groups run nationwide and their Dunfermlin­e branch runs meetings each Tuesday. The meetings are free to attend and women do not need to book their place at a meeting or be referred to them, you can just walk in on the night.

The facilitato­rs, Carla, Caroline and Stephanie said: “Our meetings provide safe, confidenti­al, non-judgementa­l spaces for any Woman age 18 years plus to attend. We provide women peer-led support in a group setting where they can receive and give support.

“During our meetings, everyone is given an opportunit­y to be heard and listened to if they have something they wish to share in response to the questions asked of that week. No referrals, booking or fee required.

“Ultimately, we believe we provide HOPE within the communitie­s and to our women. Together we are stronger and by sharing our own personal insights and experience­s we represent that safe space whereupon women can meet and talk candidly without pressure or judgment. We are here to hear you!”

The ladies who attend the meetings had this to say about what difference the club makes to them.

One attendee said: “The group provides me with a safe outlet, where if and when you need to talk and seek support about any issues you have whether big or small, silly or serious.”

Another attendee added: “Sometimes we can’t talk to those closest to us, some of us don’t have anyone. Women’s Wellbeing Club give me a safe space, a place where I can go and just be me for a couple hours. To talk about my week, thoughts and feelings.”

Seeking support for mental health can still be a daunting prospect for many women.

The facilitato­rs said: “Mental health issues have risen exponentia­lly over the recent years and we are always told women talk, always chatting and gossiping.

“But, when it comes to our inner most thoughts and feelings we don’t. We actually don’t talk!

“We are now of a society who may ask/text one another how the other person is and nine times out of 10 the response is always the same, “I’m Fine’, ‘Alright’ or ‘ Doing away’. Never revealing or releasing our your thoughts or feelings.

“We have all cried silent tears behind the bedroom or bathroom door, with the feelings of we don’t want to trouble or burden another.”

According to the Mental Health Foundation, around one in five women have a common mental health problem.

“The founders of Women’s Wellbeing Club realised that there needed to be a safe and anonymous community group for women to offer the same support and guidance that had been so successful for men within the AMC groups and this has proven a vital resource within the communitie­s.” The facilitato­rs added.

The Women’s Wellbeing Club Dunfermlin­e meet each Tuesday at 6.30pm to 8.30pm at St Margaret’s Parish Church, Abel Place, Dunfermlin­e.

 ?? Image: Womens Wellbeing Club Dunfermlin­e ?? SUPPORT: The club runs weekly on Tuesdays.
Image: Womens Wellbeing Club Dunfermlin­e SUPPORT: The club runs weekly on Tuesdays.

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