Dunfermline Press

Council commits £100,000 to fix potholes in Rosyth

- By Ally McRoberts Reporter amcroberts@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

THE way ahead should be a little smoother for Sherbrooke Road residents after Fife Council confirmed £100,000 plans to tackle the potholes.

Rosyth councillor Brian Goodall had previously described it as the “the worst road I’ve ever seen” and complained that routes used by businesses were being prioritise­d for repairs over streets where people live.

He had wanted the money allocated to improve St Margaret’s Way spent on Sherbrooke instead but was told in September that couldn’t be done as work was already underway.

However, he and fellow Rosyth councillor­s pushed for the road to be re-assessed.

At the South and West Fife area committee last week, roads and transporta­tion consultant Vicky Connor said: “An inspection was carried out on September 26 which showed that although there were some areas of localised failure, the majority of the road was structural­ly sound.

“Patching was carried out in July which removed the worst sections.”

However she said parts of the top surface were “starting to look worn” and added: “To improve the surface texture and preserve the underlying layers of the road, we’re proposing to carry out thin surfacing with some prepatchin­g and this location, along with Linton Place, has been included in our proposed 2024-25 programme.”

The committee was told that using micro-asphalt would “provide a uniform running surface” and extend the life of the road.

Cllr Goodall welcomed the inclusion in the roads programme and said it would be good to get the entrance to the car park outside the Morrison’s store - which is in a “really bad state” - to be done at the same time.

As this area is privately owned, Ms Connor said they would get in touch with the landowners to see if the council could repair the road and “re-charge Morrison’s for their part of the work”.

Giving councillor­s an update on the area roads programme for 2023-24, she said that £1.4m of carriagewa­y works were almost complete.

There are eight projects and seven are finished, with just £53,000 of road repairs on Moray Way - the sections between Steeple Crescent and Lumsdaine Crescent - in

Dalgety Bay still outstandin­g.

Completed jobs include St Margaret’s Way in Rosyth (cost £483,000), the C5 rural road between Culross and Longannet (£403,000), Craigencat Road to the west of Kelty (£203,141), the C5 road near Blair Castle and Culross (£96,424), Oakley Road in Saline (£90,000), Sir

George Bruce Road (£60,000) and James Hog Crescent, both Oakley, (£60,000).

Asked about the effects of inflation on material costs for council road works, Ms Connor said: “In the last year it’s been about a 20 per cent increase so in some areas we couldn’t afford to undertake the full programme because of budget availabili­ty.”

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 ?? Image: Newsquest ?? WORKS: Fife Council will spend £100,000 on road repairs in Rosyth.
Image: Newsquest WORKS: Fife Council will spend £100,000 on road repairs in Rosyth.

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