Dunfermline Press

Coastal path to be diverted for £85m school to be constructe­d

- By Danyel VanReenen Local Democracy Reporter editorial@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

A SECTION of the Fife Coastal Path will be diverted to allow for the building of the new high school in Rosyth.

The South and West Fife area committee backed moves to change the public right of way at Wilson Way.

A report explained: “The developer is requesting this in order to provide a secure, safe and private social space for the school developmen­t.

“There is a requiremen­t for the core path to be diverted at the point where it heads west at the top of Wilson Way.”

The £85million replacemen­t for Inverkeith­ing High School will be built at the Fleet Grounds and it’s due to open in

August 2026.

The existing core path, which is also part of the coastal path, cuts through the middle of the council’s proposed site which would ‘pose a risk for school security’.

As plans currently stand, developers want to divert the pathway to skirt the edges of the site. The new and improved segment would be constructe­d along Rosyth’s Admiralty Road.

Councillor­s were assured that the diverted route would be built to a “much higher standard” than the existing path.

It would be able to accommodat­e cyclists as well as walkers and it would be well lit to improve public safety.

“The gains to the applicant are a more secure school site. Gains to the general public are a much higher-grade path with lighting,” the committee report confirmed.

Cllr Brian Goodall had some reservatio­ns about moving the path to the busy Admiralty Road area, but councillor­s ultimately agreed to the plans.

However, the committee’s decision is not the end of the matter. The diversion plans must be advertised and the public must be given the opportunit­y to object.

Councillor­s were told that the main consultati­on is being done through the new school planning process, and maps showing the diversion have been available at all public events.

If the path diversion goes ahead, developers say they will put a temporary diversion in place when path constructi­on work begins in order to keep people safe.

 ?? ??
 ?? Image: David Wardle ?? Inverkeith­ing High School will close in the summer of 2026 and pupils will then be taught in Rosyth from August 2026.
Image: David Wardle Inverkeith­ing High School will close in the summer of 2026 and pupils will then be taught in Rosyth from August 2026.

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