Dunfermline Press

• The festive appeal goes ahead thanks to support from Dhoom, MKM, Fix from CR Smith and Tony Macaroni Press Xmas Toy Bag Appeal aims to ensure no child goes without


THE Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal aims to ensure that local children in need don’t go without a present when it comes to the big day.

We’ve teamed up with some local businesses and Dunfermlin­e Foodbank but we can’t make it happen without the generosity of the people of West Fife.

Times are tough right now and we’re asking our readers, if they can, to spread a little festive joy by donating a small, new toy to ensure that no child is left without a gift this Christmas.

Dhaneshwar Prasad , the owner of Dhoom, the Indian ‘streatery’ on New Row, said: “Especially at Christmas time, children expect something from their parents. Being a part of a community, I think it’s our responsibi­lity to do something.

“We are completely involved with the public and this whole month we are celebratin­g giving back to the community. We definitely want every kid to get a toy this year.

“Any festive season, especially in this country at Christmas time, kids and their families come together and give gifts.

“Some people are homeless or can’t afford gifts, but if we can get a wee smile on their face

Kevin Eadie, director of operations at Fix from CR Smith, on Gardeners Street in Dunfermlin­e, said: “CR Smith has been a supporter of the Dunfermlin­e Press Toy Appeal for a number of years and we are delighted to do so again this Christmas.

“We understand that Christmas can be a

We will include a donation bag in the Press edition of Thursday November 30 which can be filled and dropped off at the Dunfermlin­e Foodbank warehouse, located at unit 1C, Pitreavie Business Park, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 4 and 6pm. then that’s the important thing for us.

“When I launched Dhoom, I got a hard time as a newcomer and I was struggling but the people from Dunfermlin­e, Fife and all over Scotland, they supported me and kept me alive.

“Now we are at such a stage where we can spare a little bit from our side. This is our time to give back.

“It’s a brilliant idea to give toys. It’s a very small thing for us but for them it’s going to bring joy, happiness and a smile to their face.

“I believe this is the greatest thing the Press is doing just now, and I am really proud to be a part of the toy appeal.” challengin­g time for many families in our local community.

“In previous years our staff have shown great generosity by donating toys and gifts and this year we are all proud to help spread some Christmas cheer to families across the region again.”

Last year our loyal band of kindhearte­d readers really stepped up, with an “amazing” response to the appeal with one couple alone donating toys worth £150.

With the cost of living crisis continuing to bite and the prospect of soaring energy bills as people try to

Grant Loudon, branch director of MKM Dunfermlin­e on Elgin Street, said: “It’s about doing our bit for the local community and it’s a nice thing to do.

“We shouldn’t have kids waking up on Christmas morning with nothing. It just felt right to put a bit of funding towards this.

A spokespers­on for the Tony Macaroni restaurant, at Fife Leisure Park in Dunfermlin­e, said: “Tony Macaroni is first and foremost about family.

“Our motto is Vive Per Mangiare which translates from Italian as ‘live to eat’.

“While we have served our loyal Dunfermlin­e customers well over the years, we also acknowledg­e the ongoing cost of living crisis gripping the UK.

“Many families will find the upcoming festive period difficult for a number of reasons. heat their homes this winter, there will unfortunat­ely be plenty of people who are in need of the foodbank this Christmas.

As well as the toy appeal, the foodbank would also welcome donations of food to help West Fifers who have fallen on hard times.

“Kids get excited. I’ve got three, they get excited, and you can see the joy on their faces around this time of year.

“It breaks your heart to think that there are kids there locally, not having the same joy. It’s an honour to do what we can.”

“That is why we have partnered with the Press to take part in this year’s toy appeal to give back to our local community and help make Christmas a bit more special for those who are currently experienci­ng a tough time.

“We own and operate a number of restaurant­s across the UK and it is important for us to be an active part of our local communitie­s, whether it is through our ongoing sponsorshi­p of top flight football teams or engaging with local charitable organisati­ons who aid and empower the community.”

 ?? ?? Dhoom are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
MKM are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
Dhoom are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal. MKM are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
 ?? ?? Fix from CR Smith are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
Fix from CR Smith are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
 ?? ?? Tony Macaroni are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
Tony Macaroni are backing the Dunfermlin­e Press Christmas Toy Bag Appeal.
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