Dunfermline Press

Santa Dash to make its return to the high street

Dozens set to take part in Dunfermlin­e Rotary Club event

- By Jamie Simpson Reporter editorial@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

SANTAS will be making a run for it in a dash down Dunfermlin­e’s High Street on the day of the city’s Christmas lights switch-on.

The Santa Dash, organised by Dunfermlin­e Rotary Club, has become an annual fundraisin­g event, and features as part of a busy festive programme on Sunday, November 19.

Around 70 people took part in 2022, and this year organisers are hoping for over 100 participan­ts.

Ian Wilson, rotary club fundraisin­g convenor, said: “When you are one of those 100 people running, or in my case walking, down the High Street, it’s the people that you see smiling at all the silliness of it that really make the day.

“It’s just a lot of fun for everyone to take part in.”

The Santas meet up at Walmer Drive car park for a fun 10-minute workout before the dash.

“It’s such a hoot to see all these Santas and elves doing these ridiculous exercises,” said Ian.

There are different routes depending on how far people want to run. Everyone starts in the High street, outside Marks & Spencer, and runs doen to the Louise Carnegie Gates at the entrance to Pittencrie­ff Park.

Those who want to do the full 5k will then do a circuit route in the park, finishing back at the gates.

After the dash, those taking part are encouraged to stick around for the Christmas Lights switch on.

Ian hopes many of the Santas and elves - taking part will raise funds for good causes.

“One of the big appeals of the event is that those involved can raise funds for whatever they wish to support,” he said.

“We had a big group from a boy’s football team that showed up last year.

“When you think about it, even if 10 of them manage to raise £10-20 in sponsorshi­p, they could be looking at a decent sum for their club.

“And at the same time, the kids are really enjoying themselves and having a great day.

“We’re giving them the opportunit­y to raise the funds with very little organisati­on.”

Last year, there was a surprise by Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s mascot Sammy the Tammy who took part in the dash.

The event costs £15 to enter, which includes the hire of a Santa suit, or it is free for kids under 12 who will receive an elf suit.

To enter, go to https://santadashd­unfermline.co.uk where an entry form can be completed.

Registrati­on on the day will take place from 12pm at Walmer Drive car park.

The warm-up is at 1.30pm and the dash sets off at 2pm.

 ?? ?? Sammy the Tammy joined in the fun last year.
Sammy the Tammy joined in the fun last year.

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