Dunfermline Press

Procession of lanterns event at the abbey


THE Abbey Church of Dunfermlin­e is planning to host its first Lantern Procession later this month.

The free event will take place on Friday, November 17, 6pm8pm, with participan­ts required to register in advance.

The Rev MaryAnn Rennie said: “The winter months are marked with Festivals of Light across the world, including Hallowe’en, Diwali, the Spanish Fallas, St Martin’s Day in the Netherland­s, Hannukah, Eid-ulFitr, and Advent and Christmas.

“These festivals celebrate light as a mark of time, and they also celebrate as a symbol of hope and comfort in the cold dark evenings.”

The route for this year’s procession will only be disclosed to those who register to take part, but it will take a path through Pittencrie­ff Park to Dunfermlin­e Abbey, where it will circle the Abbey with light before the walkers and their lanterns enter the building.

There will be an element of competitio­n, with home-made lanterns being judged for their creativity by Gillian Taylor, of the Carnegie Dunfermlin­e Trust, a representa­tive of Little Shop of Heroes and another yet to be revealed judge.

Individual prizes will be given to those who are seven and under, 8-11 years old, and 12-16 years old. The announceme­nt of the winners will take place within the church once the walk has taken place.

Lanterns can be traditiona­l willow and tissue or Chinese paper lanterns. They could also be made from recycled items like bottles. There are three stipulatio­ns – no glass, no live flame candles, and have fun.

More details about the event are available on the congregati­on’s web page www.dunfermlin­eabbey.com/ wwp/?p=22856, where there is also a link to register.

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