Dunfermline Press

Health charity bankrolls new hospital art gallery

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

FIFE Health Charity has funded the developmen­t of a new community art gallery at Queen Margaret Hospital.

As the strategic charity partner of NHS Fife, it aims to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of the people of Fife through funding and grants that support projects which would not normally funded by the NHS.

This project is a collaborat­ion between Fife Health Charity, NHS Fife, and the Fife Health and Social Care


The new community art gallery at Queen Margaret Hospital is located on the ground floor corridor connecting Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the hospital.

The gallery features work from a variety of local photograph­ers.

Fife Health Charity is working with local art groups who will be able to display their work within the gallery for up to six months, providing a more stimulatin­g environmen­t for staff and patients.

Mark McGeachie, director of Fife Health Charity, said: “Art can be hugely beneficial in healthcare, helping improve the physical environmen­t in which patients are cared for, reducing stress and anxiety, and providing a source of inspiratio­n in difficult times.

“Across healthcare sites in Fife, art plays a significan­t role in enhancing the environmen­ts in which patients are cared for and NHS Fife has an extensive collection of works which has been gifted over many years.

“With the developmen­t of this new gallery, we wanted to do something a bit different.

“We really want to positively influence visitors to Queen Margaret Hospital and showcase the inspiring scenery around us here in Fife, which has been so beautifull­y captured by the artists whose pieces are on display.”

The first exhibition at the gallery features works by the Dunfermlin­e Photograph­ic Associatio­n.

Nicky Connor, director of Fife Health and Social Care Partnershi­p, said: “The new community art gallery is such a welcome addition at Queen Margaret Hospital and helps improve the environmen­t for patients, visitors and staff alike.

“By offering up this space, we wanted to create a connection between our hospital and community through local art groups.

“This gallery is an example of how we can use our buildings and spaces to help us connect with the people and communitie­s we serve.”

 ?? Image: Fife Health Charity ?? A LIFT FOR ALL: The project wants to enhance the environmen­t of the hospital for staff, patients and visitors.
Image: Fife Health Charity A LIFT FOR ALL: The project wants to enhance the environmen­t of the hospital for staff, patients and visitors.

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