Dunfermline Press

Projected cost of new schools in Dunfermlin­e rises by £1.6m

- By Ally McRoberts Reporter amcroberts@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

FIFE Council’s share of the bill for the Dunfermlin­e Learning Campus has gone up by over £1.6 million.

The schools element of the project, replacemen­t buildings for St Columba’s and Woodmill are due to open in August next year, is now set to cost more than £123.6m.

The campus will also house the new Fife College, which is not being funded by the council, and it’s set to cost £100m and should be ready for students in 2025.

At the cabinet committee last week, head of finance Elaine Muir gave an update on the council’s capital plan and explained: “There is an emerging overspend on the Dunfermlin­e Learning Campus.

“This has resulted from an unsuccessf­ul funding bid.

“However, this was a risk that was recognised at the outset when the business case was approved by the committee and there was a back-up plan to cover any shortfall in funding.”

The two new schools were initially set to cost £111m but in 2021 it went up by £11m to £122m.

Ms Muir said any shortfall would be met from the money set aside in the capital plan for education projects, which has £213m for the campus and a replacemen­t for Inverkeith­ing

High School.

There are 30 major projects those that cost £5m and over - in the capital plan which has a total budget of almost £1.2 billion.

There is ‘slippage’ - when a project falls behind schedule - of more than £18m in this year’s programme but 94 per cent of investment should still be delivered.

There is slippage of £321,000 in the Inverkeith­ing Heritage Public Realm project, due to “delays from complex tenders at this site” and £270,000 at Dunfermlin­e’s city centre gap site developmen­t, which is down to hold-ups in “finalising designs in order to minimise revenue costs”.

The Inverkeith­ing Community Hub project has also lagged behind, to the tune of £1m, which the report said related to “the wider discussion as to the scope” of the hub.

Ms Muir told the committee: “Whilst inflation is coming down it is still a significan­t factor in terms of our investment going forward.

“In general the economic conditions are still a serious cause for concern in the constructi­on industry and also for tender prices.

“It’s something we’re continuall­y keeping an eye on.”

 ?? Image: Fife Council ?? CONCERN: The projected cost of the Dunfermlin­e Learning Campus has gone up, with its total now sitting at £123.6m.
Image: Fife Council CONCERN: The projected cost of the Dunfermlin­e Learning Campus has gone up, with its total now sitting at £123.6m.

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