Dunfermline Press

Taekwondo star Connor returns back home with Euro Gold


A 12-YEAR-OLD from Kingseat has returned as European champion from a major competitio­n in Madrid.

Connor Smith, who trains with UKTC Dunfermlin­e, secured his title success at the ITFU Taekwondo Open European Championsh­ip.

He was the only competitor from Fife in a 24-strong

Scotland squad at the three-day championsh­ip in the Spanish capital, winning gold in the under-13 black tag patterns, along with bronze for sparring.

Connor’s gold medal win came in an all-Scotland final against one of his squad mates, with the talented youngster showing great perseveran­ce and determinat­ion to come out on top.

It’s a great reward for the effort, dedication and hard work he’s put into his sport since the age of just four, and he was in something of a state of disbelief when he clinched the title.

It’s been a fine year for

Connor, who started 2023, by winning silver and bronze in the Champions League in January for patterns and sparring respective­ly.

In February, he picked up gold and bronze at the Scottish Championsh­ips for special technique and sparring, and at the English Championsh­ips in April, he returned with a bronze for sparring.

Next up was the WITC European Championsh­ips in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, in June, when Connor won bronze from a pool of 39 competitor­s for patterns and another bronze for team sparring.

In September, before heading out to Madrid, Connor won gold for patterns and silver for sparring in the UK Championsh­ips.

Following on from his competitio­n success, Connor is now focused on achieving the rank of 1st Dan black belt.

Richard Glennie, fourth degree instructor and one of six national coaches, said: “I’m delighted for Connor on winning his gold and bronze medal at the recent Madrid European championsh­ips. His commitment and hard work has paid off.

“This is a well deserved achievemen­t and all the Dunfermlin­e instructor­s are very proud of him. Connor will be sitting his black belt exam in December, which will end a great year for him.”

 ?? Image: Contribute­d ?? WINNER: Connor was delighted with his European medal success at the championsh­ips in Madrid.
Image: Contribute­d WINNER: Connor was delighted with his European medal success at the championsh­ips in Madrid.

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