Dunfermline Press

Karate stars bag medals at high-calibre championsh­ip


STUDENTS with a Dunfermlin­e martial arts club showcased their skills by bagging medals at the UK’s larget Shotokan Open Championsh­ips.

Thirteen members of Carnegie Dojo Karate Club, based in Pilmuir Street, along with officials and parents travelled to the JKA (Japan Karate Associatio­n) England Open, which was held in Crawley, to the south of London.

The competitio­n, organised by JKA England, saw more than 500 competitor­s, from countries across Europe and as far afield as the USA, take part.

The West Fife stars were involved in individual kata and individual kumite (fighting) discipline­s, as well as team kata, where the current Scottish champions had to compete in the senior event due to one of team now being 18 years of age.

Despite that, a terrific effort from Holly Williams, Ruby Wallace and Srishti Panthri saw them finish in an incredible fourth place, only missing out on third to Germany by the lowest possible score margin of 0.1.

After a long and tiring day, which finished well after 7pm, Carnegie Dojo were delighted to see Holly win gold in the individual kata and individual kumite, in the 16-18 years age category; Ruby win silver in the kata in the 13-15 years age category; and Kaycee Farlam win kata and kumite 10-12 years bronze.

There were also notable performanc­es from Srishti,

Caitlin Gray, Calum Bruce and Charlie Dykes, who all progressed to the quarter finals of kata and kumite.

Fifth dan instructor Gordon Williamson, who in 2005 set up Carnegie Dojo alongside his fellow, then serving police officers Roy Bower and Ashley Walker, in conjunctio­n with Fife Constabula­ry as a means of ensuring students would not need to stop training for financial reasons, said: “These results cannot be underestim­ated as the participan­ts who came from all over the globe were of a very high standard, and most compete at European and World levels for their countries.

“Here’s hoping our own home grown talent can push on now and do equally as well in the European and World Championsh­ips, both of which will be in 2024.”

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