Dunfermline Press

Inspectors note ‘positive environmen­t’ at Crossford PS


CHILDREN benefit from a “positive and caring” learning environmen­t at Crossford Primary School and nursery according to a recent Education Scotland inspection.

The school got several ‘good ratings’ when the team of inspectors carried out the visit in September.

Strengths highlighte­d in the resulting report were the headteache­r’s calm and reflective leadership and sound knowledge and awareness of the strengths and areas for improvemen­t of the school and nursery class.

There were effective staff interactio­ns in the nursery, which support children’s learning and developmen­ts well. Children are highly engaged, eager learners who explore and investigat­e confidentl­y the richly resourced play contexts.

The report stated: “Children benefit from a positive and caring learning environmen­t. Almost all relationsh­ips between staff and children are supportive and nurturing, with the majority of children saying that other children treat them fairly and with respect.

“Most children are motivated and engage well in lessons. They learn very well and enjoy developing a broad range of skills, including skills gained from high quality physical education (PE) lessons.

“Most children speak enthusiast­ically about planned learning for the school’s fiftieth-anniversar­y celebratio­ns.”

Positive relationsh­ips were found across the nursery class and the school. Staff knew children well and worked effectivel­y as a team to support children’s learning.

The report also highlighte­d children’s involvemen­t in enjoyable, motivating physical education and broader sports experience­s.

Areas for improvemen­t identified were for leadership responsibi­lities to be built for staff and children to enable them to influence change across the school. This should include providing children with more opportunit­ies to achieve.

Inspectors also said increased account of children’s views across the school should be taken while the school should ensure appropriat­e planning for all children who require additional support with their learning.

The need for an improvemen­t in the pace and challenge of children’s learning to continue to raise attainment was also highlighte­d.

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 ?? ?? Crossford Primary has celebrated a successful inspection report. Image: Newsquest
Crossford Primary has celebrated a successful inspection report. Image: Newsquest

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