Dunfermline Press

Kelty man found guilty of terror offence for sharing neo-Nazi propaganda video

- By Ally McRoberts Reporter amcroberts@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

A KELTY man has been found guilty of offences under the Terrorism Act.

Colin Webster, 61, of Station Road, shared an online video supporting National Action, a banned extreme right-wing terrorist group.

Police Scotland’s Counter Terrorism Unit launched an investigat­ion that led to his conviction last Wednesday after a trial at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court.

He was found guilty of a charge that on 1st December 2021 he distribute­d or circulated terrorist publicatio­ns by posting a video on the social media website GAB.

Namely, a National Action propaganda video - National Action Speaks – a video from a proscribed organisati­on under the Terrorism Act 2000, with the intention that it would encourage the commission, preparatio­n or instigatio­n of such acts of terrorism.

Detective Inspector


Pleasance, of the Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism Unit, said: “Webster shared this hateful content online with a complete disregard of its corrosive impact or the radicalisi­ng effect it could have on others in our communitie­s.

“It is entirely unacceptab­le to promote terrorism or extremism, and sharing material of this nature could ultimately endanger the public.

“We will not hesitate to investigat­e online behaviour or content which breaches terrorism or other criminal legislatio­n.

“We are committed to combatting terrorism in all its forms, and informatio­n from the public is vital.

“Anyone with informatio­n on a terrorist threat should contact Police Scotland immediatel­y or by using the ACT Early website.”

Sheriff Susan Duff called for reports and Webster will be sentenced on 18th December.

 ?? ?? TERROR OFFENCE: Webster was convicted after a trial at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court. Image: Newsquest
TERROR OFFENCE: Webster was convicted after a trial at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court. Image: Newsquest

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