Dunfermline Press

Let’s make sure no child goes without a toy this Christmas


THE cost of living crisis is continuing to make life extremely challengin­g for many families throughout West Fife - and many are going to find it really hard this Christmas.

We don’t want any child in our community to wake up on Christmas morning to nothing.

And so, in today’s paper, you’ll find a donation bag and we’re asking, if you can, to pop a toy in it and take it to Dunfermlin­e Foodbank, who will then make sure that those right here in West Fife who are struggling the most won’t go without.

Our appeal last year produced an amazing response, demonstrat­ing the tremendous generosity and incredible community spirit in Dunfermlin­e and the towns and villages throughout West Fife.

With many families struggling even more this year, we’re hoping that generosity and community spirit will once again come to the fore.

This year’s appeal is generously backed by Dhoom, MKM and Fix from CR Smith, and with their support, we’ll deliver a Happy Christmas to families across West Fife.

Press editor Kevin McRoberts said: “We always want to champion our communitie­s, and we want to help those in our towns and villages who may be struggling financiall­y to make Christmas a time of joy for their children.

“We’re incredibly grateful to the people at Dhoom, MKM and Fix from CR Smith for their generosity in helping to make this a special time of year for children in our communitie­s.

“And we’d like to thank our readers who, in the past, have been great supporters of our appeal, and hopefully will be again this year.”

Sandra Beveridge, project manager at Dunfermlin­e Foodbank, is hugely appreciati­ve of the support received from the public.

She said: “We cannot thank the people of West Fife enough for doing this for local children at Christmas time. No one should wake up on Christmas morning to nothing.

“The donations of toys, and food if you can, will go a long way to make many people happy this Christmas and hopefully take some stress away from the current crisis we are in.”

With the cost of living crisis continuing to bite and the prospect of soaring energy bills as people try to heat their homes this winter, there will unfortunat­ely be plenty of people who are in need of the foodbank this Christmas.

As well as the toy appeal, the foodbank would also welcome donations of food to help West Fifers who have fallen on hard times.

Dhaneshwar Prasad, the owner of Dhoom, said the people of Dunfermlin­e, Fife and Scotland had shown him and his restaurant great support, and that it was “our time to give back”.

Grant Loudon, branch director of MKM Dunfermlin­e on Elgin Street, said seeing the joy on his own children’s faces at Christmas and it was heartbreak­ing to think that others might not experience that same joy.

“It’s an honour to do what we can can help,” he said.

Kevin Eadie, director of operations at CR Smith, said everyone was proud to help spread some Christmas cheer to families across the region again.

In this week’s issue of the Press, you’ll find an environmen­tally-friendly paper bag for your donations. If you can, pop a toy in it and take it to Dunfermlin­e Foodbank, who will then make sure that those who are struggling the most won’t go without.

It can be dropped off at their warehouse, located at unit 1C, Pitreavie Business Park, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 4pm and 6pm.

Thank you so much for your support.

 ?? Picture by David Wardle. ?? The Press have teamed up with local businesses and Dunfermlin­e Foodbank to launch this year’s Christmas Toy Appeal.
Picture by David Wardle. The Press have teamed up with local businesses and Dunfermlin­e Foodbank to launch this year’s Christmas Toy Appeal.
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