Dunfermline Press

SNP candidate steps down from campaign weeks after selection

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

THE SNP’s candidate chosen to contest the new Dunfermlin­e and Dollar constituen­cy has confirmed he will no longer be standing for election.

Brian Goodall had been selected earlier this month for the position; however this week he told the Press that he had withdrawn because of concerns over health and being able to do his duties as a Rosyth councillor.

“I was hugely honoured to receive the backing of local SNP members in the recent Westminste­r selection contest,” he said.

“Serving my local community in the Rosyth Fife Council Ward area is someDONIBR­ISTLE thing that I throw myself into with all my energy.

“However, in doing that, I have in the past put my own personal health under pressure, and it’s something that I need to continue to be wary of as I try to find the right balance in my work as a party activist and a local councillor.

“Despite my hope to be able to front up an energetic and enthusiast­ic campaign through to the general election, the first few weeks showed me that I was not going to be able to give the energy required without putting my own health at risk or reducing the time I spend working for the residents within my council ward.

“The balance of continuing as a full-time councillor, while at the same time trying to put together a campaign through to an as yet unknown election date, is something that I recognised was not going to

be achievable with me as the SNP’s candidate.

“After discussing this with local party office bearers and with SNP HQ I confirmed my intention to stand down as Westminste­r candidate and the internal party process to select a new candidate for Dunfermlin­e and Dollar is now underway.”

Brian was recently nominated for a ‘Councillor of the Year’ award in recognitio­n of his tireless efforts in ensuring Café Inc would continue to operate in South and West Fife to help support local families during the school holidays.

He was previously an SNP councillor in the Dunfermlin­e South Ward for 10 years from 2007 and has been representi­ng Rosyth since May 2022.

 ?? ?? CHANGE OF PLAN: Brian Goodall who has stepped down as SNP candidate for the next General Election.
CHANGE OF PLAN: Brian Goodall who has stepped down as SNP candidate for the next General Election.

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