Dunfermline Press

Adventurer talk


CLIMBER and adventurer Anna Taylor will speak about how it feels to stand at the edge of the world when she stops off in Dunfermlin­e next month.

Anna will give a talk as part of the Royal Scottish Geographic­al Society’s Inspiring People talks programme when she will share stories from her exploits around the world.

Her adventures include bike-packing through the Tasmanian wilderness, visiting and becoming the first woman to successful­ly ascend the otherworld­ly cliffs of Mount Roraima in the Amazon, being the first person to complete a self-powered Lakeland Classic Rock Round, and scaling cliff faces without a rope.

She will explore the mental challenges that come with these objectives, such as the ability to combat fear, the art of perseveran­ce, and the benefits of being willing to throw yourself in at the deep end and see what happens.

Local Group Chair Alison Thompson said: “We really look forward to having Anna Taylor speak for our Inspiring People talks programme, who is a real trailblaze­r for women mountainee­rs.

“Amongst her other feats, in 2021 she became the first woman to complete a selfpowere­d round of the 83 routes that feature in celebrated climbing book Classic Rock in just 53 days, a really impressive undertakin­g that will no doubt come with its fair share of anecdotes this talk is definitely one that is worth coming out for!”

The talk takes place in Dunfermlin­e High on December 6 at 7pm. Tickets are free for RSGS members, students and under 18s and £10 for general admission.

They can be booked online at www.rsgs.org/events, and are available at the door where it is cash only.

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