Dunfermline Press

Wax painter returns to Fire Station for new exhibition


A FIFE wax painter is set to hold his second exhibition at Dunfermlin­e’s Fire Station Creative next month.

Marcel O’Connor will be building on the success of his first exhibition at the venue in 2017 as he displays his latest encaustic paintings.

Marcel, who has studied art in Liverpool, Brighton and Cyprus, said: “These paintings were produced in the past three years and are a continuati­on of my practice of encaustic painting where wax, resin and pigment are mixed, applied and bonded with heat.”

He takes inspiratio­n from Byzantine Art and traditiona­l Ikon painting, which he discovered when he was studying for a year at Cyprus College of Art.

He came to Scotland in 1986 and has had notable exhibition­s at the City Arts Centre and the Arts Council Gallery in Belfast.

He was also awarded a major scholarshi­p from the Pollock Krasner Foundation in New York.

Marcel continued: “The use of wax with its inherent richness and transparen­cy along with the process of layering and scraping back has enabled the creation of these abstractio­ns.

“The formal elements of the paintings, the structures of horizontal­s and verticals, support the painterly process, enable the play of spatial dynamics and allow references to icons, thresholds, portals and horizons.”

Gallery curator, Ian Moir, added: “Marcel is an outstandin­g painter with a unique vision. His talent shows that Fife has a long tradition of attracting high-calibre artists.

“His last exhibition in Dunfermlin­e was a runaway success, so we fully expect the same again.”

The exhibition is open to the public from Friday, December 8 to Sunday, December 31.

Entry is free and the public is also welcome to attend the opening party on Thursday, December 7 , from 7pm to 10pm.

 ?? ?? Marcel O’Connor will be sharing his artwork once again at Fire Station Creative. His exhibition opens to the public on December 8.
Marcel O’Connor will be sharing his artwork once again at Fire Station Creative. His exhibition opens to the public on December 8.

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