Dunfermline Press

Council earns Standards Mark nod


FIFE COUNCIL have been awarded Standards Mark Approval by the Community Learning and Developmen­t Standards Council (CLDSC) Scotland.

The high quality of the Council’s Communitie­s and Neighbourh­oods Service volunteeri­ng provision has been recognised by both Volunteer Scotland and now the CLDSC Scotland.

Ross Martin, assistant director of the CLDSC Scotland, said: “The CLD Standards Council are delighted to be in the position of recognisin­g the commitment to volunteers that the service has put in place.

“The work of volunteers is vital to the positive developmen­t of communitie­s across Scotland. Through the awarding of the CLDSC Standards Mark we are joining with Fife Council in celebratin­g that commitment to learning, support and practice standards.”

Cllr Linda Erskine, Fife Council’s community and neighbourh­oods spokespers­on, said: “This recognitio­n is a testament to the unwavering dedication of our team and builds upon the recent award of the Investors in Volunteers accreditat­ion awarded by Volunteer Scotland.

“It reaffirms our commitment to enhancing the lives of the people of Fife while making sure volunteeri­ng is an interestin­g, enjoyable, and safe experience.”

Tricia Ryan, Fife Council community developmen­t support manager, added: “This award provides national recognitio­n for the quality of the learning opportunit­ies we provide for our volunteers.”

She added: “It’s a testament to the ongoing hard work and dedication of our staff, who consistent­ly strive to support local people to make meaningful changes in their local areas.”

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