Dunfermline Press

Lack of workforce planning ended services at QMH


YET again we see an appeal to return A&E to Queen Margaret Hospital fail.

This is no surprise as the real problem is lack of workforce planning.

It was obvious back in 2010 that we were lacking the required medical workforce to staff our health services, and with an ageing population the problem would get worse. However, instead of putting together a plan, the government­s in London and Edinburgh tried to use centralisa­tion of services as a sticking plaster solution.

A decade on, and despite talk of more staff than ever, we are still short of the required numbers. Even if they have got enough staff in training it takes years to get them in the positions needed.

We now hear that half the new doctors joining the NHS come from other countries. Indeed, looking at at lists of immigrant skills required, it appears our politician­s are incapable of any workforce planning

This does not help the Queen Margaret Hospital claims. In fact it makes the chances of ever getting these services back well nigh impossible.

Will we now see a medical workforce plan that meets the needs of the country? I have my doubts. What is certain is that the prime duty of a government to the safety and health security of its population has been failed both north and south of the border.

John Winton,

Castlandhi­ll Road,

Rosyth. £248,724 she should not be making “errors of judgement”.

This raises questions as to how she will react in real life or death situations. Clark Cross,

Springfiel­d Road,


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