Dunfermline Press

Swifts chair pleased to secure new boss ‘Maybe a wee bit of fate’ to quickly move for McCrindle

Five-star Pars blossom in League Cup win over Linlightow Rose


THE chairman of Inverkeith­ing Hillfield Swifts said that it was “maybe a wee bit of fate” that they managed to quickly secure Jason McCrindle as their new manager.

Craig Reid has spoken of his delight at securing the former Luncarty gaffer, who he described as “a very positive individual”, to take up the position with the East of Scotland League, Premier Division side.

Earlier this month, the Dalgety Bay based club “mutually agreed to part ways” with Jason Dair, who had taken over in the summer, after winning just three of his 13 league games in charge.

Despite interest from other candidates, the Swifts committee turned to McCrindle, who departed Perth-based Premier Division rivals Luncarty on November 10, having guided them to the second round of the Scottish Gas Scottish Cup.

Inverkeith­ing will play their first competitiv­e game with McCrindle at the helm this Saturday, in a Fife derby at home to Hill of Beath Hawthorn, but have played two friendlies under the new boss.

Those ended in a 3-2 win over Whitehill Welfare, and a 2-0 defeat to Newtongran­ge Star, at Stark’s Park on Saturday, and Reid told Press Sport that the club are optimistic that McCrindle’s appointmen­t will prove to be a shrewd one.

“It was maybe a wee bit of fate. Things aligned quite quickly,” he said.

“We didn’t know that Jason was no longer going to be at Luncarty, and Jason was known to the club - not specificia­lly me - but via some of our other committee members who had worked with him in the past. He came highly recommende­d from a coaching perspectiv­e because he had previously been involved in this neck of the woods, with Burntislan­d Shipyard and things like that.

“We spoke to a few candidates and Jason came across really, really well. He spoke really well about the developmen­t of youth, and you could tell quite quickly he aligned with the thoughts and beliefs of the club, with regards to what we’re trying to do with giving our players the opportunit­y to play senior football, developing them, and working closely with the under20s.

“He’s a very positive individual. He has great experience from a coaching perspectiv­e, so we just thought, after a couple of wee meetings, he was the right guy for the job.

“The first time I met Jason was the night that they (Luncarty) beat us down at Dalgety Bay (2-1 last month), and I was quite impressed with the set up, and the way in which his team played the game that night. I was quite impressed with Jason and how he conducted himself on the sidelines.

“He’s had loads of successes over the years, which is great. He understand­s how to put a team on the pitch, shape them up, be organised, and understand­s how to work with younger players in a positive fashion.

“Those boxes were ticked and, as a committee, that’s why we decided to proceed with Jason.

“We had interest from other parties who had done really well in the game as well, but we wanted fresh, knew thoughts, and definitely one of the big boxes to tick was going to be their thoughts on working with, and developing youth players.”

McCrindle has had time to get to know his players before his first league game in charge, and Reid added: “He’s had roughly three weeks training, and two matches, to get to know the boys, try and instil in them his thoughts regarding how he wants them to play, which is very attackmind­ed, but with a lot of time with the ball.

“That’s great, because we’ve got some really cracking, technicall­y gifted players, and we want to try and make the most of that.

“We’ll see how we get on on Saturday.

“Circumstan­ces will dictate what the result will be, but if we’ve been doing the basics properly, then we’re all convinced that, with a bit of luck, results will come.

“It’s just consistenc­y and a wee bit of luck. I think we’ve got, maybe, 17 games until the end of the season, so there’s enough games, and there’s enough points up for grabs to go on a wee bit of a run.

“We’ve got the Haws, then we’ve got Penicuik at home, and then we’re away to Kinnoull, so it should be an interestin­g December for us. Hopefully we can pick up some points, and then we’ll get a little bit of a Christmas break, and then back in post-Christmas.”

Saturday’s game, at Dalgety Bay Sports and Leisure Centre, kicks off at 2pm.

FIVE-STAR Dunfermlin­e Athletic Ladies got their own back on Linlithgow Rose on Sunday by winning an eight-goal Scottish Women’s Football League Cup thriller.

The Pars will finish second in Group B, with one fixture to go, after overcoming the West Lothian side, having previously lost twice to them.

Those defeats came in successive weeks during September, with a remarkable 8-5 loss in an SWFL East League fixture, at KDM Group East End Park, followed by a 3-2 defeat in the League Cup away from home.

This time around, however, it was the Pars who earned the bragging rights, despite falling behind early on.

Jamie Torrance equalised for Athletic, before Alex Davie put them ahead, with new signing, Katey Turner, adding a third before half-time.

Linlithgow reduced the arrears before two more for Turner, ensuring she claimed the match ball in memorable fashion, put Dunfermlin­e 5-2 up, before the visitors netted another.

It was a consolatio­n and Pars coach Jordan Devlin, who revealed he is leaving the club following the match, said: “On Sunday we came up against a troublesom­e opposition, having been beaten by Linlithgow in the previous two matches we played against them.

“We knew we had a point to prove, and to keep our hopes alive in the League Cup. We started the game a bit sluggish, and went 1-0 down, however the girls have found the inner fight in them in recent weeks, bouncing straight back, and going on to lead 3-1 at the break.

“Second half, Linlithgow started brighter, however, we were able to gain the upper hand and dominate the half once again, missing a few chances in the process.

“Overall I thought we looked like a team hungry for success, winning battles all over the pitch. Our determinat­ion and work-rate is what had hampered us in recent weeks, but I’m glad we finally clicked into top gear on Sunday. I couldn’t be prouder of the girls.”

This Sunday, Dunfermlin­e are due to conclude their group stage fixtures at Armadale Thistle, who are assured of top spot in Group B, and progressio­n to the last 16. The winners of each of the 11 groups, plus the five best-placed runners-up, will advance to the next round, with all other teams entering the SWFL Plate competitio­n.

 ?? ?? Inverkeith­ing Hillfield Swifts’ chairman said he was delighted to recruit Jason McCrindle (above) as their new manager.
Inverkeith­ing Hillfield Swifts’ chairman said he was delighted to recruit Jason McCrindle (above) as their new manager.

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