Dunfermline Press

Hedgehog Hospital celebrates 10 years

Hedgehog Hospital to host fundraiser for ten-year anniversar­y

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

IT’S 10 years since the Forth Hedgehog Hospital in Rosyth was set up to take in sick and injured hedgehogs.

They have helped 263 of hedgehogs this year alone, and in total, the hospital has helped around 2000 hedgehogs since it began operating.

It is celebratin­g a decade of caring for hedgehogs, and a fundraisin­g event is being held this Sunday, December 10, at Rosyth Bowling Club, featuring a cake sale, teas and coffees, and unique handmake hedgehog-related items. There will also be a tombola and hampers to be won.

Nadia Al-Dujaili, who runs

Forth Hedgehog Hospital, spoke about what she hopes the fundraiser will achieve.

“Hopefully to get a good turnout and to raise a reasonable amount of funds for the hedgehogs to keep them going for the rest of the winter, and hopefully into next season which starts in April, when new babies start being born,” she said. “Hopefully it’s going to be a good day.”

Usually when hedgehogs are taken to Nadia it is because they have been found outside during the day.

Nadia added: “This time of year it’s the babies that are struggling, they are out during the day because they are malnourish­ed.

“They are not finding enough food because the ground is so hard now, that’s when they really need people to leave food out.”

People manage to spot an ill or injured hedgehog on outdoor cameras, Nadia commented: “They are quite handy, they have saved a lot of hedgehogs those cameras.”

As previously reported in the Press, the hospital experience­d flooding earlier this year. Nadia has since put in measures to try to prevent as much future damage as possible.

“I realise the problem is not going to go away overnight, or even at all, this has been a problem every year for a long time.” she said.

The fundraiser takes place between 10am and 4pm.

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 ?? ?? Hedgehogs have been receiving support from Forth Hedgehog Hospital for ten years.
Hedgehogs have been receiving support from Forth Hedgehog Hospital for ten years.

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