Dunfermline Press

Drunk driver lost control of car and crashed


AN INTOXICATE­D driver lost control of his car in Newmills and crashed into parked vehicles.

Derek Crews (42), of Chapelhill, Alloa, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court, having previously admitted that on January 29 at Main Street, Newmills, he drove a car when unfit through drink or drugs.

He also admitted he was in possession of etizolam and that he drove carelessly, failed to maintain control of the vehicle and caused it to collide with parked cars.

Depute fiscal Catherine Stevenson said that at around 7am residents in Main Street were woken up by a loud bang. On person looked out to see their car had been struck and knocked on to the pavement. Two other residents observed their vehicles had also been damaged.

Crews “appeared to be intoxicate­d and was staggering about” said the depute.

When police arrived at the scene Crews told them he had lost control of his vehicle.

“His speech was slurred, his eyes were glazed over and he had white residue on his lips,” added the depute.

A large quantity of tablets was found in the car.

Defence solicitor Aime Allan conceded: “His schedule of previous conviction­s does him no favours but his offending has slowed down.”

She said her client had lost his café business because of the Covid pandemic and his relationsh­ip had ended, which then saw him return to taking substances.

Sheriff Francis Gill said: “The potential for catastroph­ic consequenc­es is clear.”

He imposed an 18-month drug treatment and testing order and banned Crews from driving for 32 months.

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