Dunfermline Press

Work begins on new Athletic training base Dunfermlin­e set to move into new facility next year

- By Ross Hart Reporter rhart@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk @RossH_DP

DUNFERMLIN­E ATHLETIC look set to move into their proposed training facility in Rosyth early next year after confirming redevelopm­ent work has kicked off.

The first phase of the project to transform the former Civil Service Sports Club, on Castle Road, has begun and is scheduled to be completed by the end of March.

A state of the art 4G astroturf pitch, complete with floodlight­ing, will be installed alongside modular dressing rooms, and other amenities, which will provide full use for the football club’s first team and academy squads, as well as sporting activities for the Pars Foundation, the charity which runs community programmes on their behalf.

In November 2021, the Pars concluded an agreement to take over the Civil Service site, having been named as the preferred bidder for it earlier that year.

The club had hoped it would be operationa­l by June 2022, but it is now set to be ready for use within the next four months.

Athletic chairman and CEO, David Cook, attended a breaking ground ceremony, alongside manager, James McPake, and homegrown first team stars Matty Todd and Lewis McCann, both of whom came through the club’s youth system, and commented: “We are delighted to commence constructi­on work at Rosyth.

“Alongside the time it has taken to secure planning, we have also had to conclude dialogue with possible funding partners to get to this point. I’d like to thank everyone for their patience during this process.

“I know this has been a topic that supporters have been keen for updates on, and now we are pleased that things can get moving on site.

“When the first phase is completed, we will be able to house all of our footballin­g activities on one site across first team and academy, along with many hours for our Pars Foundation.

“This is a major milestone for the club as we look to create a centre for sporting excellence.

“Furthermor­e, it is great that we can start to modernise the former CSSC site for the benefit of the local community.”

In addition to a floodlit artificial pitch and changing facilities, initial proposals for the site’s transforma­tion, which will be carried out by local contractor and specialist­s in the developmen­t of sports facilities, Doe Sports, included two full-size grass pitches; warm-up and goalkeeper areas; an education and analysis auditorium; offices and meeting rooms; a kit room, laundry and boot room; an indoor sports hall; a kitchen; and an eating and rest area.

Additional­ly, it was also planned that the club’s strength and conditioni­ng gym, which is currently situated in the corner of the Main and East stands at East End Park, would also be relocated to the new facility.

Pars boss McPake commented: “I’m delighted to see that work has started on our own training ground at Rosyth.

“From the developmen­t of the young players to preparing for first team games, the training base will be a massive help and further develop this football club.”

Wendy Eley, chief operating officer of the Civil Service

Sports Council (CSSC), also expressed her excitement, stating: “We are excited to hear of the progress being made as we know Dunfermlin­e Athletic have worked tirelessly to develop the site, and this is a major first step for them.

“We look forward to the future and continuing the open, rewarding and respectful relationsh­ip between the two organisati­ons.”

 ?? Image: Craig Brown. ?? Lewis McCann, James McPake, David Cook and Matty Todd attended a breaking ground ceremony at the site of Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s new training ground.
Image: Craig Brown. Lewis McCann, James McPake, David Cook and Matty Todd attended a breaking ground ceremony at the site of Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s new training ground.
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