Dunfermline Press

Babcock teams up with Polish shipyard Defence company joins forces for new apprentice exchange scheme

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

A DEFENCE company has teamed up with a shipyard in Poland to launch a new internatio­nal apprentice exchange programme.

Babcock Internatio­nal and PGZ-SW are maximising their existing relationsh­ip following Babcock’s selection as the platform design provider and technology partner for Poland’s MIECZNIK frigate programme.

PGZ-SW is leading the build of the frigates at its facilities in Gdynia.

Brandon and Ryan, both newly qualified apprentice­s from Babcock’s Rosyth site, along with Damian and Jakub, student workers from PGZ-SW, have spent two weeks participat­ing in a pilot for the new exchange programme.

Brandon and Ryan got the chance to visit Gdynia in the first week where they got to gain experience at the shipyard. Jakub and Damian also hosted Brandon and Ryan at CKZiU technical college, where they were shown what a typical day looks like for Polish students.

The following week Jakub and Damian visited the Rosyth facility.

Phil Craig, managing director for Internatio­nal Shipbuildi­ng, commented: “We are delighted to have launched the pilot programme which we can use to tailor a full roll out of activity next summer.

“Through this initiative, we are strengthen­ing our relationsh­ip with Gdynia and PGZ-SW shipyard, whilst supporting and promoting our Early Careers ambitions for young people working at Babcock.”

He added: “It’s mutually beneficial for both Babcock and PGZ-SW to work together and this unique experience offers Babcock apprentice­s the opportunit­y to work internatio­nally and build links overseas.”

Both Fife College and CKZiU are working in collaborat­ion with Babcock and PGZ-SW on supporting the exchanges.

Miles Lagan, head of business developmen­t at Fife College, commented: “We were delighted to welcome Damian and Jakub, along with Brandon and Ryan, to our Rosyth campus and to show our support for this exciting internatio­nal apprentice exchange programme. They were able to see how we deliver modern apprentice­ships and had the opportunit­y to observe apprentice­s learning and honing key skills in our state of the art workshop environmen­t.”

 ?? ?? Babcock Internatio­nal has teamed up with a shipyard in Poland. Image: Babcock Internatio­nal
Babcock Internatio­nal has teamed up with a shipyard in Poland. Image: Babcock Internatio­nal

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