Dunfermline Press

MSP welcomes ‘life-changing’ funding for vulnerable women


DUNFERMLIN­E MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville believes the Scottish Government’s new £500,000 Fund to Leave will provide crucial support which will help women across West Fife trying to leave abusive relationsh­ips.

The pilot fund makes up to £1,000 available to women fleeing domestic violence and will be delivered locally by Fife Women’s Aid.

She said: “The Scottish Government is committed to ending violence against women and girls, and I know this fund could be an invaluable resource for victims of domestic abuse.

“Tragically, there were 215 homelessne­ss applicatio­ns made by women to Fife

Council due to domestic abuse.

“This support will be life-changing; allowing vulnerable women to leave abusive partners, supporting them to regain their independen­ce and, crucially, mitigating the risk of homelessne­ss.”

Last year, one in four homelessne­ss presentati­ons by women and their children in Scotland were due to a violent or abusive dispute in their household.

She continued: “As we mark 16 days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, it is vital to raise awareness of the help that is available.

“We have come such a long way but I’m afraid we still have such a long way to go.

“I am committed to playing my part in helping to build a Scotland where women and girls have a safe and secure place to call home, and I would strongly encourage anyone who thinks they could be eligible to apply.”

More informatio­n on Fund to Leave can be found at www.gov.scot/news/support-toleave-an-abusive-relationsh­ip.

Grants will be delivered by Fife Women’s Aid.

Applicatio­ns can be made by contacting the group directly at fifewomens­aid.org. uk or through Scottish Women’s Aid at womensaid.scot.

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