Dunfermline Press

Inverkeith­ing High School hosts stone carving comp Event marks the end of traditiona­l skills week part of restoratio­n project

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter

A STONE carving competitio­n was held at Inverkeith­ing High School to mark the end of a week celebratin­g traditiona­l skills as part of the Inverkeith­ing Heritage Restoratio­n project.

Students got to try masonry during the week and then got to observe eight apprentice or recently qualified stone masons take part in the finale event.

Rebecca Horn, developing the young workforce teacher at Inverkeith­ing High School, said: “Seeing the competitio­n take place in real time, in their school, was very inspiring for the pupils. The participan­ts were literally showcasing a rewarding, traditiona­l skills career, right in front of them.

“They worked outdoors so it was all highly visible from corridors, close to the lunch hall, and on routes to and from classrooms across the school campus. It gave hundreds of pupils the opportunit­y to see the stone masons in action.”

The competitio­n was judged by experience­d stone masons David Lindsay, Adam Innes, and Scott McGibbon.

Emma Griffiths, training and developmen­t officer for Inverkeith­ing Heritage Regenerati­on, said: “There is currently great demand for stone masons to carry out much needed maintenanc­e and repairs, as well as fulfil new commission­s, and opportunit­ies to undertake training become ever scarcer. The competitio­n was a great opportunit­y to simply focus on craft skill, and the individual stone masons’ approach to a design commission.

“There was a really good response to the competitio­n, in terms of gender, geographic location and career stage diversity. We had masons from two private sector masonry contractor­s, Ashwood Scotland Ltd and Laing Traditiona­l Masonry, take part. Three of the competitio­n entrants had just started their apprentice­ships in August, two with Historic Environmen­t Scotland and one with Fife Council.”

The inspiratio­n for the carvings was a simple graphic representa­tion of the ship which appears on Inverkeith­ing’s town crest.

Freelancer Douglas Stevens was the overall winner.

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 ?? ?? All eight competitor­s. Photo: Fife Council
All eight competitor­s. Photo: Fife Council

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