Dunfermline Press

New house lager is a family affair for bistro


THE new owners of the Haberdashe­ry Bistro are aiming to add a family feel to their new bar with their new ‘Habrador’ lager.

The name of the 4 per cent session IPA was inspired by a close family friend who sadly passed away.

The pub - formerly the Watering Hole, on Dunfermlin­e’s New Row - was recently taken over by new managers Kris Boniface and Chloe Wright, and is set to open on Monday, Dec 11.

Belhaven brewed a craft lager for the reopening bar, and allowed Kris and Chloe to name it and market it.

Chloe said: “We decided to go with the ‘Habrador’ as obviously the ‘Hab’ for Haberdashe­ry and the Labrador is inspired by my mum’s godmother who passed away a few years ago. She absolutely loved black Labradors. Everything in the house was black lab themed, she had paintings, plates, even your wrapping paper at Christmas had black Labs on it.

“It just made sense for us. It was a bit quirky and different. We’re driving a family-run business and a big part of that is getting our families involved.

“My mum’s been going about getting all sorts of bits and pieces for the bar, and Kris’s son will be working in the kitchen, so to involve as much family value as possible into the business is something that means a lot to us. It gives a really personable aspect for the customer too.

“The support has been great, this is our first business venture as a couple and to have so many people there for us, it means a lot. We really wouldn’t be able to do it without them.”

The name is rather fitting for someone who was clearly an important figure in Chloe’s life.

Chloe said: “It’s a really nice homage to my Auntie Wendy. She would have absolutely loved the Haberdashe­ry, she was very much so a ‘lady who lunched’ and was always out for the theatre and meals and drinks, so it’s great to have a little bit of her involved in it as well.”

On the taste of the beer itself, Chloe added: “As it’s a session IPA it’s quite an easy drink. It’s got a nice fresh flavour, and a genuinely really nice lager that goes down very easy. We have Estrella Galicia on tap as well which might be a bit more premium, but Habrador will be the house lager.

“We could’ve gone with others but why would we when we had a chance to make something so unique? We’ve got the logo on pint glasses and stuff now which I think really adds a bit extra.”

If lager isn’t really your thing there will also be a seasonal festive cocktail menu along with their own signature menu as well.

Chloe said “The drinks menu will be a bit tighter, as we are keen to show ourselves as a food-driven business. I know people are expecting cocktails and there definitely will be. If there’s any that aren’t on the menu that people want, we will do what we can as well.”

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 ?? ?? Kris Boniface and Chloe Wright will open the Haberdashe­ry Bistro on Monday, December 11. Image: David Wardle
Kris Boniface and Chloe Wright will open the Haberdashe­ry Bistro on Monday, December 11. Image: David Wardle

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