Dunfermline Press

Quiz in memory of army captain helps raise £1.5k

- By Chloe Goodall Reporter Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

A QUIZ held in honour of a late West Fife army captain has raised over £1,500 in support of veterans and their families across Scotland.

More than 110 quizzers attended the quiz at Garvock House Hotel in Dunfermlin­e in support of the Captain David Seath Memorial Fund, which was set up in memory of David who tragically passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest while running the 2016 London Marathon in aid of Help for Heroes.

Since then, the legacy setup in his name has raised more than £330,600 for the charity.

Gary Seath, founder of the Captain David Seath Memorial Fund, and quiz organiser, said: “We were delighted to welcome so many to our Captain David Seath Memorial Fund Quiz which is now in its sixth year.

“Many put the event in their diary year on year and we are so grateful for their continued support.

“Equally it proved a wonderful experience to welcome those supporting David’s legacy for the first time.”

Funds raised through David’s legacy will help to deliver vital comradeshi­p activities, as well as mental health, and case management services, through Help for Heroes.

The event has proved a popular fixture within the local community of Dunfermlin­e for the past six years, is well-known for its fun, accessible quiz focused on general knowledge, current events, picture, and music rounds.

The quiz is attended by many who have a personal connection to David and his family, as well as veterans, and those from surroundin­g communitie­s keen to support a local cause.

Gary continued: “Working within the veteran sector, the need for continued support is clear; this concerns both veterans in later life and growing numbers of younger veterans presenting a greater scope of complex support needs.

“This can range from finding a home, employment, education or skills training to physical and mental health support needs to family relationsh­ips, financial matters and much more.

“No matter what stage of life a veteran decides to reach out for support, David’s legacy is making a huge difference.

“It helps veterans to make successful transition­s to civilian life, to reduce isolation and loneliness as well as to make positive lasting recovery from life-changing physical and psychologi­cal wounds and much more.”

There were many strong performanc­es on the night and ‘Hope there’s Flags’ emerged victorious with an impressive score of 66 out of a possible 70 points.

The team included the youngest winner to date, eight-year-old Marcus McCran Jnr, who dominated in the film and music rounds.

In addition to funds raised through attendance and a raffle, the event was generously sponsored by MRM Global, Incontri Italian Restaurant and Panda Print.

Gary added: “I wish to thank all who attended and sponsored our quiz for joining us to become a truly incredible force for good behind a truly remarkable legacy.”

 ?? ?? The winning team in this year’s Captain David Seath Memorial Fund Quiz in Dunfermlin­e.
The winning team in this year’s Captain David Seath Memorial Fund Quiz in Dunfermlin­e.
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