Dunfermline Press

Former apprentice­s step out on new careers at chemical plant


TWO former apprentice­s from the Fife Ethylene Plant are reaping the rewards of their hard work after being taken on as permanent members of staff at the Mossmorran plant.

Ben Sharp and Kyle Petersen, both 22, recently secured posts as Instrument Technician­s at the ExxonMobil facility after completing their four-year Modern Apprentice­ship run in partnershi­p with Forth Valley College in Falkirk.

And the pair say they are delighted that the work they put into their studies, coupled with learning on-site, has paid off.

“When I found out that I was being offered a full-time job here I could not have been happier,” said Ben, who lives in Dunfermlin­e with his girlfriend and their dog.

“It showed me that the work I had done at college and on site had been worth it, and I now feel much more secure about my future.”

Kyle added: “It was a huge relief when I got the news, and it really made me feel worthy to be taken on to the team.

“It can be a bit daunting when you are doing something yourself for the first time, but you know you always have experience­d people there to help you.”

The Modern Apprentice­ship programme saw them spend a year full-time at college, learning the basic skills and principles for their roles.

This was followed by two years of day release at college combined with working under experience­d mentors at the Fife complex before a final year full-time on site.

“The apprentice­ship was challengin­g at times, but I was desperate to prove myself and get hands-on at FEP and the team were great mentors who really showed me how things have to be done,” explained former Woodmill High pupil Ben.

Kyle Aldridge, Maintenanc­e Manager at Fife Ethylene Plant, was delighted to welcome Ben and Kyle to the team at the Mossmorran facility.

“They have worked hard during their apprentice­ships to earn themselves jobs here,” he said.

“I am sure they will continue to learn and develop their skills under the watchful eye of their mentors, and their success shows that hard work really does pay off.”

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 ?? ?? Kyle Petersen (left) and Ben Sharp who have secured permanent roles at Mossmorran.
Kyle Petersen (left) and Ben Sharp who have secured permanent roles at Mossmorran.

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