Dunfermline Press

Campaign will have you ‘Falling for Fife’ VisitScotl­and and Welcome to Fife in bid to increase tourism footfall this season

- By Chloe Goodall Reporter Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

A NEW marketing campaign has been launched to help UK tourists fall in love with Fife this winter.

VisitScotl­and, in partnershi­p with Welcome to Fife is using social media to inspire visitors to take a short break to the region with their ‘Falling for Fife’ campaign.

Aimed at visitors living in Scotland and north England, the activity hopes to show holidaymak­ers, and specifical­ly retirees, why the region is the perfect place for a getaway.

Caroline Warburton VisitScotl­and Destinatio­n Developmen­t Director, commented: “Fife is ideally placed to offer that coastal and city experience to visitors. The area has a diverse and vibrant yearround offering, and this new campaign aims to inspire visitors to stay, explore and experience it for themselves.

“Partnershi­p working is at the heart of what we do, and following a challengin­g period for the industry, we need to keep building on that momentum and showing visitors is a must-see destinatio­n whatever the season.

“Tourism is an important part of the local economy, creating jobs and sustaining communitie­s”.

Famed for its breathtaki­ng scenery and rich history, the campaign urges visitors to have the ultimate coast and city experience in Fife.

It highlights landmarks such as Aberdour Castle, Abbot House, Dunfermlin­e Abbey, Forth Bridge and Culross, as well as the Fife Coastal Path, the 117-mile route linking the Forth and Tay estuaries.

Hilary Roberts, lead officer for Tourism at Fife Council also added the following: “Partnershi­p working with VisitScotl­and is vital for Welcome to Fife to continue to build awareness of the area as a first-class visitor destinatio­n.

“This new campaign showcases Fife as a perfect location for a break at any time of year, highlighti­ng just some of our pictureper­fect towns, villages and attraction­s.

“Tourism is a vital sector to the Fife economy, and marketing activity such as this, along with our own recently launched ‘The Kingdom. Where It All Begins’ campaign are key elements of our strategy to build on the value of tourism in Fife, and to support local businesses and communitie­s to thrive.”

 ?? ?? Pittencrie­ff Park and Dunfermlin­e Abbey feature in the latest VisitScotl­and campaign. Image: Fife Council/ Damian Shields.
Pittencrie­ff Park and Dunfermlin­e Abbey feature in the latest VisitScotl­and campaign. Image: Fife Council/ Damian Shields.

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