Dunfermline Press

Thank you for supporting our Poppy Appeal collection


I WOULD like to thank everyone who recently supported the Poppy Appeal collection in Dunfermlin­e, both those who donated and those who helped with the collection.

I think we have done well considerin­g the current climate, and less folk carrying cash.

Firstly, I would like to sat that none of this would be possible without my fabulous team of volunteers who come out year on year to support me.

Also the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose members came out to collect. Even the new volunteers for this year loved the experience and have already signed up for next year.

Volunteers also took part from the Nationwide Building Society and Lloyds Bank.

We had High Street collection­s on October 28, November 4 and November 11 carried out by our cadet forces, Widows Sons Scotland East Chapter and Riders Branch Dunfermlin­e, and Scouts.

Also, a collection prior to the Dunfermlin­e Athetic game against Dundee United, we raised almost £1000.

Our main collection points were in Tesco Duloch, Tesco Fire Station, Tesco Rosyth, Asda Halbeath and Asda St Leonards, and both Aldi stores, and also within the Kingsgate Shopping Centre. The generosity of the public was amazing. Dunfermlin­e Rotary Club help out each year by distributi­ng Poppy tins to businesses and schools in the area. We cover Dunfermlin­e, Rosyth and the West Fife villages.

Our annual Poppy Tree Sponsorshi­p has raised £3300 this year.

Many thanks to all the businesses who contribute­d, and to Robert Stalker for organising again.

Also some of the shops in town had their windows decorated with a Remembranc­e theme.

The Glen Tavern in town popped into Tesco and gave us a £100 donation.

Amazon Warriors had an on site collection over three days.

Thank you everyone who contribute­d. Your support is greatly appreciate­d.

Christine Evans,

Area Organiser,

Poppyscotl­and Dunfermlin­e.

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