Dunfermline Press

Lewes takes to the oche in Coventry for two-day event

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

Lewes Head aims for

darts tour card

A YOUNG darts player from Rosyth is travelling down to Coventry to Q School with the hopes of getting himself a tour card.

Lewes Head (12) will be going to Coventry this January to take part in the twoday event, which takes place across Saturday, January 13 and Sunday, January 14. If he is successful and manages to get a tour card he will be expected to play for three further weekends to tour.

Lewes’ mum, Lynne Falconer Head, said: “This will be his first time going down there, he’s actually looking really forward to it and it’s going to be really good for his career, boost his confidence, everything.

“He’s been playing darts for a good three plus years, he kind of started off just playing darts on the dartboard on the garden gate actually. My friend, him and his father run a darts team in Rosyth at the civil service club, and he kind of spoke to Lewes quite a lot about darts and things and Lewes was just really interested to start playing darts, and it just kind of took off from there basically.”

Lynne added: “For being 12 years old he’s actually a really good player.

“He goes to the darts academy on a Wednesday night through in Glenrothes, on most weekends he’s away to a competitio­n either run by the Junior Darts Corporatio­n Scotland or the Scottish Darts Associatio­n and out with that on Thursday night he goes along to High Valley Field, and he plays in a tournament along there.

“There’s 20 people that play there, and out the 20 people there’s only him and his friend David, who’s 17, that’s the only two kids that play in the tournament.

“He’s actually won that tournament before against all the men.

“Some of the men there have been like ex-Scottish champions and things, it’s amazing to see him progress, it really is.”

Right now, Lewes is looking for sponsors. Lynne said: “It’s just like people that will help him with anything, entry fees for his competitio­ns, travel, anything that he needs, like dart boards, darts, accessorie­s for his darts, dart tops, anything.

“People sponsor him and it all just goes to things like that.”

In return for helping Lewes, he promotes the companies by wearing their logos on his darts shirt which he wears at every competitio­n and tournament.

“At the moment, some of Lewes’ sponsors include Rosyth Fish Bar and G&M Autos in Inverkeith­ing.

Lynne added: “It’s been really really good, just to have that extra support behind him and people who believe in him is really amazing, it’s really good to see, it’s overwhelmi­ng in fact.”

 ?? ?? Lewes Head will be heading to Coventry in January.
Lewes Head will be heading to Coventry in January.

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