Dunfermline Press

Cup returns to honour club stalwart


THE biggest tournament so far in memory of a Dunfermlin­e Water Polo Club stalwart is set to take place this weekend.

A total of 12 teams are ready to take to the pool at Carnegie Leisure Centre for the latest edition of the BMC Cup, commemorat­ing the life of Brian Campbell, who passed away in December 2019.

Brian, who died aged just 61 after a brave battle with cancer, was a former Scotland internatio­nal who held numerous roles with Dunfermlin­e, including as a coach, helping them to a British Cup win at under-16 level.

In addition to club commitment­s, he also played a significan­t role in the developmen­t of rising stars of the game.

Following Brian’s passing, his sons Alasdair, Darren and Chris, water polo players in their own right, created an annual competitio­n in his memory, the first of which took place in 2021.

Following last year’s edition, a first all-female BMC Cup was held in September, which saw around 140 youngsters take part.

That was hailed by organisers as the largest competitio­n yet, but it is set to be surpassed this weekend.

“This is going to be the biggest one we’ve ever done, even bigger than the girls’ tournament,” Alasdair explained. “We’ve got seven under-18 teams coming up. We’ve got three English teams, and one of them is a team called Worthing from the bottom of London, and they won the British age groups this year, so they’re one of the best teams in the UK. It’s pretty good.

“Then, at the same time, we’re doing an under-15s tournament with five Scottish teams, so that will be really good. Usually it’s just Saturday and Sunday, but this year we’ve got Friday night as well, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, so it’s expanded!”

Alasdair said that the Campbell family are “touched” by the support they have received in respect of the tournament.

He continued: “It’s amazing. We knew that dad did a lot and was really highly thought of, but I think this just shows you how highly thought of he was.

“A lot of the English teams are coming because they knew him and had connection­s with him as well. It’s really nice.”

The 12 participat­ing teams are Warrender, Portobello, Stirling, Menzieshil­l, Radcliffe,

Northampto­n and Worthing at under-18 level; and Dunfermlin­e, Warrender, Stirling, Menzieshil­l and West Edinburgh Stingrays at under-15.

Additional­ly, on Sunday, there will be a ‘minis’ game, for beginners in the sport, and a ‘Brian’s boys’ exhibition match, featuring players that were involved in Brian’s Scottish junior squads down the years.

Matches will also be live streamed by organisers, who wished to express their thanks to all those supporting the event, whilst a raffle and a silent auction, to win a Bentley Edinburgh experience, will take place.

Merchandis­e will also be available, and can be viewed and purchased online.

The first match on Friday evening, between Dunfermlin­e and Stirling, takes place at 7.20pm, with the action concluding at 3.45pm on Sunday.

For more info, visit The BMC Water Polo Cup on Facebook.

 ?? ?? The tournament has been created in memory of Brian Campbell.
The tournament has been created in memory of Brian Campbell.

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