Dunfermline Press

Brooke reaches final in Slovakia


Brooke Stalker adds to finals appearance­s

WEST FIFE badminton ace Brooke Stalker has added another final appearance to her growing collection after reaching the showpiece of a tournament on the continent.

The talented Dunfermlin­e teenager, who at the end of 2022 won ladies under-19s gold at Badminton Scotland’s National Championsh­ips, travelled to Trencin, Slovakia, last weekend to play in the Slovak Junior 2023 event.

The competitio­n is part of the Badminton Europe Junior Internatio­nal

Circuit and Brooke, who is the niece of the late Scotland internatio­nal, and Commonweal­th Games bronze medallist, Russell Hogg, teamed-up with her ladies doubles partner,

Ishbel McCalliste­r, for the BWF (Badminton World Federation) junior ranking tournament.

Unseeded, the pair played their way through to the final, losing out to Chinese Taipei’s Lee Pin Yi and Liao Jui-Chi.

Competitor­s from across Europe, as well as Chinese Taipei, took part and Brooke and Ishbel defeated Nela Fliglova (Czech Republic) and Marija Paskotsi (Estonia) 21-18, 8-21, 21-12 in round one, before getting the better of Czech pair Petra Benisova and Tereza Cirokova (21-18, 24-22) to reach the quarterfin­als.

There, they faced top seeds Katerina Koliasova and Katerina Osladilova, progressin­g in an epic threeset battle 15-21, 23-21, 23-21, before embarking on another in the semi-finals against Johanka Ivanovicov­a and Lea Vybochova, coming through 21-16, 18-21, 21-15.

Although they lost the final, 18-21, 18-21, Brooke’s mum, Karen, said that she was delighted to reach the final with Ishbel, in their first junior internatio­nal tournament together.

On Wednesday Brooke, who earlier this year was named in Badminton Scotland’s national senior squad, and given access to sportscotl­and’s Institute of Sport programme, travelled to Cardiff to play in the

Yonex Welsh Internatio­nal Challenge, partnering with Eleanor O’Donnell in the ladies doubles, and Matthew Grimley in the mixed doubles.

 ?? ?? Brooke Stalker (front) and Ishbel McCalliste­r reached the doubles final in Slovakia.
Brooke Stalker (front) and Ishbel McCalliste­r reached the doubles final in Slovakia.

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