East Kilbride News

They’re aiming higher

School leavers

- Andrea O’Neill

MSP Linda Fabiani says a rise in the number of ‘positive destinatio­ns’ for s c hool l eavers i s g o o d n e ws f o r E a s t Kilbride.

New f i gures show more school leavers in Scotland are going on to employment, training or higher education than ever before.

In South Lanarkshir­e, there has been an increase in the percentage of school l e ave r s t a k i ng t hese next steps in their careers – from 88.6 per cent in 2012-13 to 92.3 per cent in 2013-14.

Skills Developmen­t Scotland’s report also shows a dro p i n t he perc e nt a g e of l eavers reported as unemployed and s eeking employment or t raining – down t o 6.5 per cent f rom nearly 10 per cent.

Ms Fabiani said: “Across South Lanarkshir­e, we h av e o n e p e r c e n t more l eavers going straight i nto e mpl o y ment a n d a n e a r five per cent increase in the number of people going on to higher education.

“The SNP’s commitment to keeping higher education tuition-fee free ensures that school leavers who want to go to university can do so based on the ability to learn – not the ability to pay. South of the Border these fees have reached £9000 a year.

“With the Scottish G o v e r n me n t c o n t i n u i n g t o beat i t s t arget of 25,000 Modern Apprenti c e s hi ps e ach y e ar, s c hool l e aver s have access t o t he hi ghly r e g a r d e d a p p r e nt i c e s h i p scheme. We are on track to achieve our new t arget of 30,000 apprentice­ships by 2020.

“With a three per cent fall in the number of unemployed school leavers in the area, we are clearly moving in the right direction.”

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