East Kilbride News

OAP, 91, victim of doorstep crime

Inspector warns elderly to be on their guard

- Andrea O’Neill

Elderly residents are being warned to be on their guard after a second pensioner was scammed by bogus workmen.

The 91-year-old man was duped into handing over £140 cash to a rogue trader who falsely claimed to have replaced tiles on the roof of his Calderwood home.

This is the second case of fraud in a month following a sickening scam on an 88-yearold West Mains woman with dementia.

In the latest incident, on Friday, a male suspect believed to be aged 35-45 years old, preyed on the vulnerable pensioner at his home in Buchandyke Road at around 2pm. The fraudster collected the cash from the unsuspecti­ng OAP despite no work being carried out on the property.

The male suspect is described as white Scottish, with a medium build, collarleng­th blonde hair and was wearing a light blue sleeveless pullover with a t-shirt underneath, light blue jeans and wellington boots.

Police are appealing for anyone who observed a male matching this descriptio­n in the area around the time of this incident to come forward and warned that bogus tradesmen are going doorto-door targeting vulnerable members of the East Kilbride community.

Inspector Andrew MacDonald said: “It’s important that you protect yourself from becoming the victim of doorstep crime. Always be on guard if someone turns up at your door unexpected­ly.

“Don’t feel like you need to open your door to unexpected visitors and always try to observe who is there through a door viewer or window first. If you are unsure, don’t answer the door and never invite a stranger into your property.

“It’s also important that the public look out for their elderly or vulnerable family members and neighbours who may be targeted by bogus workmen. Please keep an eye out for strange vans in your street, predominan­tly those parked in neighbours’ driveways that you don’t recognise and report any suspicious persons in your area to us by phoning 101.

“Always call us when the suspicious person is within the street rather than waiting until later once they have gone and where possible try to obtain a registrati­on mark for the vehicle along with the make, model and colour.”

He added: “Unfortunat­ely, doorstep criminals often target the same victims so if you have a relative or neighbour who has been the victim of bogus crime previously please be particular­ly alert.

“If you suspect that a caller is suspicious or if you feel that you are being threatened and intimated into having work carried out please contact us immediatel­y on 999.”

Police Scotland has launched a Nominated Neighbour Scheme which allows elderly and vulnerable members of the community to nominate a neighbour who will verify the identity of a doorstep caller.

Only once identified the caller is allowed access to the property, but only in the company of the nominated neighbour.

The scheme has been set up to reduce doorstep crime and has helped members of the community feel safe in their homes.

 ??  ?? Doorstep crime A 91-year-old was duped into handing over cash
Doorstep crime A 91-year-old was duped into handing over cash
 ??  ?? Warning Inspector Andrew MacDonald
Warning Inspector Andrew MacDonald

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