East Kilbride News

Good Samaritans come to gran’s aid


Grateful 140916atki­nson_01 A gran who fell in a car park and cut her head is thanking the good samaritans who stepped in to help her until medics arrived.

Jean Atkinson (64), from Westwood, was out shopping at the Queensway Retail Park when she tripped and gave herself a nasty gash on her forehead.

The gran was on her own but a couple and another man stopped and came to her aid.

They also called Jean’s daughter but left before the 64-year-old could say a proper thank you.

Jean told the News:“I honestly, don’t know what happened, I was in the car park at B&M and Aldi last Saturday (September 10).

“I must have lost my footing and I just went down and whacked my head off the ground.

“I gave myself a sore one and there was quite a lot of blood.

“But thankfully, a young couple came over to me and then another young guy went into one of the shops to get a bath towel to put on my head to try and stop the bleeding.

“They didn’t have to do that and I was so grateful they stopped – I got a bit of a fright and was shaken up.”

She went on:“They also called my daughter and must have stayed with me for a good 35 minutes or so, chatting to me and making sure I was OK.

“My daughter came and then the paramedics arrived and I didn’t get a chance to thank them properly.

“It was so kind of them and they went above and beyond.”

Jean added:“My daughter has been on social media to try and track the people down but no luck. “Thankfully, I was lucky. “I have been left a bit battered and bruised with a black eye but got checked over at Hairmyres Hospital and other than getting a terrible fright, have recovered.

“It’s reassuring to know there are still kind people out there and I want them to know how very grateful I am.”

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Atkinson Jean

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