East Kilbride News

Plenty to talk about


East Kilbride Speakers’ Club president Alastair Fraser last week extended a warm welcome to visitors and members to the first meeting of the new session.

Isobel Dunlop was the first speaker to the podium, giving an informativ­e account of the dark meaning hidden behind the words of many of the nursery rhymes we all became familiar with as children.

Harvey Littlejohn followed with a speech that revealed to anyone who has enjoyed popping into a tea-room for a scone and cuppa that these premises were a Glasgow invention and appeared in the city before anywhere else.

Next to the lectern was Paul Munday with a nostalgic look at the year 1966 and the events occurring that year that would change society, such as the screening of the drama Cathy Come Home that led to the charity Shelter being establishe­d.

Alex Rintoul closed the main speeches with an amusing account of a chance meeting with an old flame after many years and the emotions that stirred.

The impromptu topics presented by Isobel Dunlop were well answered by individual members and a beneficial overall evaluation of the evening’s proceeding­s was given by David Webster

The next meeting of the club is scheduled for September 29 and details can be obtained from secretary Paul Munday on 01355 223894.

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