East Kilbride News

In the spotlight

Students take centre stage with Rep Talk abouta great evening


dramatic production­s a year.

Many of the current season’s production­s can be found on the drama department’s curriculum.

Actress Julie Walters, who recently starred in TV drama National Treasure, was recently quoted in a national newspaper saying: “Drama should have a place in schools. It helps in communicat­ion, vocabulary, understand­ing of yourself and of the wider world, as well socially and political.”

Ken Lawton agreed with the star, saying: “If nothing else these represent some of the basic soft skills that pupils, any pupils, need to be a success in the world and that potential employers are looking for.

“When the pupils arrived they were met by Jean Macmillan, the director for the Rep’s last play, Good Things, and stage manager/ set designer Alfie Newton. A conducted tour was given with questions asked and answered and all the pupils seemed to enjoy a look behind the scenes.

“The EK Rep hopes that this will help not only in their studies but in the practical side of theatre.”

The Rep are now in rehearsals for their annual family panto Robin Hood which opens on December 7 for two weeks. Ross Hammond took the chair at the recent meeting of East Kilbride Speakers’ Clu.

Inspired by a visit to the Glasgow Vintage Vehicles Trust, Ken Murray gave a speech praising the commitment of the volunteers who dedicate their time to preserving historic artefacts and serving the community.

Totally blind from an early age, Eve Smyth gave a captivatin­g account of how she overcame her doubts and reluctance to embrace the very latest technology that the iPhone provides for assisting the blind and how pleased she was that her perseveran­ce paid off and the benefits she now enjoys from it.

Alex Rintoul then gave an amusing and touching discourse on his childhood in the tenements of Maryhill that covered the children’s games and adventures but the community spirit of the 1930s.

The topics were posed by Ewan McRobert and a general evaluation of the evening’s programme was delivered by Isobel Dunlop.

The next meeting of the club will take place tomorrow and details can be obtained from secretary Paul Munday on 01355 223894.

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