East Kilbride News

Butcher to the rescue

Wrights butchers step in with tasty £100 hamper

- Andrea O’Neill

Hamper gift for family

An East Kilbride family who told the News how they are struggling to make ends meet on Universal Credit payments have been given fresh hope – thanks to a town butcher’s generosity.

Kasha-anne Johnston toils to feed her two children and admits she has been surviving on bread and butter after having her benefits cut under the controvers­ial new system.

As reported in last week’s News, the 27-year-old was expected to support her family on a handout of just £43 last month which would barely cover the cost of her baby’s formula.

Outraged readers this week gave their backing to Kasha-anne, slamming the “flawed” system.

And after learning about her desperate plight, Stephen Sherriff, owner of Wrights the butchers in the Village, offered the young Calderwood family a meat hamper worth £100.

He said: “I read the article in the East Kilbride News and thought that in this day and age, in Scotland in 2018, the fact that a young mum who admitted to having mental health problems was struggling to feed her children was appalling.

“The benefits system is complex but I think a lot of Westminste­r politician­s need to take a long hard look in the mirror if this is what’s happening to young families in this country.

“Wrights the butchers is 70 years old this year so I thought this would be a good way to start the celebratio­ns – by giving something back to the community.

“I’m delighted Kashaanne accepted my offer.”

Kasha-anne was “overwhelme­d” by the kind-hearted gesture, admitting that she and her fiancé, Charl Smit, have been living on bread and butter and plain pasta so they could afford to feed their kids properly.

“I almost cried when I got the offer,” she said. “It was so overwhelmi­ng my heart skipped a beat.

“I am very touched by this offer. I just want to give Stephen a big hug. I’m really grateful and completely overwhelme­d.”

She added: “Thanks also to the East Kilbride News for all your help. We really appreciate it.”

Kasha-anne, who suffers from depression, posttrauma­tic stress disorder and graves disease, has been fighting the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) since the Tories’ six-in-one Universal Credit benefit was rolled out.

The scheme has been widely criticised with East Kilbride Citizens’ Advice Bureau saying families could be plunged “further into poverty”.

Kasha-anne claims her hardship began when her £1007-a-month benefits were stopped and Charl was threatened with deportatio­n under the harsh new regime – despite him having permanent residency in the UK.

The DWP state that Universal Credit is automatica­lly adjusted depending on earnings coming into the household.

Kasha-anne says community spirit is alive and well in East Kilbride after News readers came up to her in the street to wish her well.

“We’ve had a lot of support from people who think our situation is absolutely outrageous,” she said.

“We’ve been left with no other option than to get rid of our car which we really need to take our son to school on the other side of town. I hope something is done soon to help us and more people in similar situations come forward.”

News readers offered their support to Kasha-anne on our Facebook page.

Alanna O’Donnell wrote: “I think it was so brave of you to come forward with this and highlight how badly you’ve been affected by this terrible situation.”

And Jennifer Foster posted: “The system is just flawed at the moment and doesn’t seem to help anyone.

“In work, out of work, disabled, pensioner – every group seems to be getting fleeced.”

A DWP spokesman said last week: “We have been talking to Ms Johnston about her claim.

“She received her full payment in December and a partial payment the following month because Universal Credit adjusts automatica­lly to people’s earnings so they have a guaranteed stable monthly income and can keep more of what they earn.”

I just want to give Stephen a big hug . . . Kasha-anne

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 ??  ?? Family feast Kasha-anne, Charl and little Kayden accept the hamper from Scott Sherriff at Wrights Butchers
Family feast Kasha-anne, Charl and little Kayden accept the hamper from Scott Sherriff at Wrights Butchers

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