East Kilbride News

Driver fled crash site

Caught by cops with drugs

- Nicola Findlay

A driver who crashed his BMW into a field and fled the scene was caught with more than £2000 worth of ecstasy tablets, a court heard.

Michael Harvey, 24, who appeared from custody in HMP Addiewell, admitted a charge of dangerous driving at a roundabout joining Ardencraig Road with the Carmunnock Bypass, and on the A726 Strathaven Road, on November 28 last year.

He also admitted separate charges of being unfit to drive through drink or drugs on the same date and being in possession of a knife.

He was subject to two bail orders at the time.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that one witness saw the white BMW Harvey was driving approach the roundabout at excessive speed and fail to stop before striking their car to the rear.

Fiscal depute Imran Bashir went on to say the witness managed to get a partial registrati­on and called police before Harvey accelerate­d off in the direction of East Kilbride.

Harvey was then spotted on the A726 overtaking on a blind right-hand bend into an oncoming vehicle before losing control, ploughing into a field and striking a telegraph pole.

Mr Bashir said witnesses saw Harvey get out the car via the driver’s door and a woman, who was concerned about the dangerous manner of his driving, approached him and he spoke about black ice before leaving the scene and making his way on foot along Strathaven Road back towards Chapelton.

The woman then called 999.

Mr Bashir went on: “Two officers attended in response to the report of a road traffic accident and were told the male driver had been seen making his way along Strathaven Road on foot.

“They saw the vehicle in the field and the telegraph pole which was hanging over the road in a dangerous manner.

“The police then drove 200 metres along the road and saw the accused who ran away from them.

“They stopped him and discovered a knife in his possession.

“They placed him under arrest and in his right hand pocket discovered small white tablets which they believed to be ecstasy or a similar substance.

“Officers believed he was under the influence of drink or drugs as his speech was slurred and he had a glazed look in his eyes.”

Harvey was then taken to a police station where he was examined by a doctor and had a blood sample taken, which confirmed he had a controlled drug in his system.

The fiscal added that on further examinatio­n the tablets found on Harvey were 192 ecstasy pills with a street value of £2190 and the knife was a lock-back knife with a three-inch blade.

Sentence was deferred until March 13 for background reports.

 ??  ?? Hamilton Sheriff Court Sentence was deferred
Hamilton Sheriff Court Sentence was deferred

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