East Kilbride News

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Building bridges

Drivers using the back road from East Kilbride to Hamilton face disruption after the Newhousemi­ll Bridge was closed so emergency repairs can be carried out.

And online readers of the East Kilbride News had their say.

Chris Ladds said:“Those calling for a new bridge. The area has been preserved as a conservati­on zone.

“Saving 15 minutes in the morning should necessitat­e leaving earlier than sacrificin­g irreplacea­ble heritage bigger than our selfish desires.”

Andrew Johnson said:“Make it bigger. Can’t see how they can’t reconstruc­t a bigger two-way bridge in place of that wee thing.”

Fee Mac said:“Hope they stick traffic lights in while they’re at it. Bridge is a nightmare!”

Audrey Shand said:“They need to make a new bridge and preserve this one.”

A mum in a million

Mum-of-four Sharon Cuthbert’s make-up artist business success while raising her kids and battling the illness endometrio­sis drew plenty of admiration.

Stephanie Perrie said:“Proud of you Sharon, you do an amazing job.”

Wilma Thomson said:“Such an inspiratio­n to others. Good luck for the future.”

Hazel Battersby-Sword said: “How this lassie managed to study and run about after four weans with this debilitati­ng illness is beyond me. Hats off to her for attaining what she has.”

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