East Kilbride News

The people had their vote

- John Reilly, via email

Dear Editor,

Thought I had heard it all with the Brexit debate.

Now we have the launch of the ‘People’s Vote’ campaign group! What a load of nonesense. If Alex Orr (People deserve final say, April 18) missed the vote, can I remind him over 17 million of the ‘people’ have already voted; the biggest turnout in UK history.

So Mr Orr, what have you got to say about that? Are you another democracy denier or just a remoner who cannot and will not accept the will of the people.

If I hear another word about false promises on the NHS I think I will scream. For the record, the bus with the slogan on the side said: “we give £350 million to the EU, let’s fund the NHS instead.”

Not that £350m would be spent on the NHS.

If I was involved in politics and thought I knew about finance, then it stands to reason if you give someone £350m a week and get back 40 per cent of that back, then that leaves £140m to spend, not £350.

It’s pretty simple economics.

Let’s think about it for a change, or maybe that’s why you think we are better off as a member by giving away more than we get back. How daft is that? What an absolute disgrace some people are – that is why people involvemen­t in politics is now at a record low from the highs of 2014.

It’s time those responsibl­e took a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror and gave an apology to the majority of the people who voted Leave.

Roll on Independen­ce Day.

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