East Kilbride News

Dad had indecent pictures of kids

- Court reporter

An East Kilbride dad was caught with nearly 1000 indecent photos of children on his mobile phone.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard on Friday that Colin Duncan was reluctant to let police officers examine the device and his shocked wife had to intervene.

Michael Macintosh, prosecutin­g, explained: “Officers asked if there was a passcode for the phone and Duncan refused to comment.

“His wife said ‘if you had nothing to hide you would just tell them. Do you know how this makes you look?’

“At that point the accused provided the code.”

Duncan, 49, of Capelrig Drive, Calderwood admitted possession of indecent images at his then home in Loch Awe, St Leonards between July and December last year and was bailed.

Mr Macintosh said officers obtained a search warrant for the address after getting informatio­n from the National Online Child Abuse Prevention organisati­on.

He told the court: “They attended on December 20. They were allowed entry to the house by the accused’s wife. The accused was inside the house as were two children.”

Forensic examinatio­n of Duncan’s phone revealed 964 indecent images of children, including two videos. More than 100 of the images were classed as Category A, the most extreme.

Duncan spent a week in custody over Christmas before being granted bail.

Sheriff Shiona Waldron deferred sentence until October 22. Duncan was put on the sex offenders’ register.

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