East Kilbride News

We’re running out of food

Life continues to be a struggle for people in East Kilbride and Avondale using food banks and there are few signs of it getting any easier. In the first of a special two-part report, Andrea Lambrou speaks to Loaves & Fishes chairman Denis Curran who insis

- Andrea Lambrou

Food banks in East Kilbride are struggling to cope with an increasing number of desperate families living on the breadline.

In the first of a two-part feature, the News can reveal the Loaves & Fishes charity has handed out a staggering 1100 food parcels so far this year.

And after running out of food for the first time in its 26-year history, chairman Denis Curran MBE fears for those who depend on

food banks to survive. With the situation now critical, the charity was this month forced to issue a desperate plea for donations to stay afloat. In addition:

●Denis, right, admitted he is “dreading” Christmas after spending £12,500 on food alone last December and £2600 on food parcels last week.

●The number of food parcels handed out by Loaves & Fishes in East Kilbride rocketed from 78 in March to 224 in April – an increase of 187 per cent.

He fears food banks are being used to plug a gap that should be filled by the welfare state – and the most vulnerable are being forgotten.

Denis added: “People just have no idea what it is like to come to a food bank.”

It was a moment Denis Curran MBE thought would never happen.

For the first time in its 26-year history, East Kilbride’s Loaves & Fishes ran out of food.

The charity has so far this year handed out a staggering 1100 emergency food parcels to struggling families living on the breadline in the town.

And with the situation now critical, the charity was this month forced to issue a desperate plea for donations to stay afloat.

Denis, 75, admits he is “dreading” Christmas after spending £12,500 on food alone last December and £2600 on food parcels just last week.

It costs £64,000 a year to run the charity and with no funding from government, its tireless volunteers rely solely on donations.

“We are desperatel­y in need of donations for our unit in East Kilbride,” Denis told the News.

“We’re dependant on what we get at Christmas and Easter and we don’t really get anything again until October.

“We have very little on the shelves and only have enough food to provide emergency parcels for the next few days. We very rarely come online to ask for anything, but the situation is now so severe we would greatly appreciate any help at all.

“It’s very difficult. We spend £2500 to 3000 a month on meals. At the moment we’re able to keep going but the money’s running right down now and if we’ve not got the money we simply can’t do it. It’s just not manageable. It all depends on the funding.

“I’ve never had to do this before but I decided we needed help and our secretary put a Facebook post up appealing for food at 2am last Thursday.

“By 10am, people were queuing up to give us food.

“We have been totally overwhelme­d by the outpouring of love and support from all the individual­s, organisati­ons and community groups who have came forward and offered us help.

“But from what we’ve been getting in the past few weeks, I dread to think what Christmas is going to be like.”

The number of food parcels handed out from the Loaves & Fishes base in the Kelvin Industrial Estate rocketed from 78 in March to 224 in April – an increase of 187 per cent.

And the numbers remained exceptiona­lly high throughout the summer months with 215 given out in May, 158 in June and 180 last month.

Denis explained that demand is always higher during the Easter and summer school holidays when there is even more pressure on parents having mouths to feed 24/7.

He insists the rising number of people relying on food banks to survive reflects the stark reality of our broken benefits system.

“The numbers shoot up during the school holidays but it’s not always the same people coming through the door,” Denis commented.

“Some of them haven’t come for three or four months and all of a sudden they’re back.

“Why? Because their benefits are being stopped.

“They were managing fine then there’s a hiccup with the benefits in some way and that’s that. MPs say they’ve got to learn to budget their money. But how do you budget your money when it is being cut?

“We had a man come to us with three kids – none of them at school – and they sanctioned him because his wife had a miscarriag­e and he couldn’t get down to sign on.

“They said that wasn’t a good enough reason – well what is a good enough reason? It’s heartless. There is absolutely no compassion.

“People have no idea what it is like to come to a food bank. The unasked question is in the eyes – can you feed my kids? Because I can’t.

“I sit and listen to the welfare committee and it just makes me angry. They’re only going to give them three bags a year and talk all this rubbish saying we don’t want to make them dependant on us. Well I say when people come to you they’re dependant that you’re going to help them. “Food banks are an indictment on people.” Denis believes those in government are responsibl­e for the current sorry state of affairs.

“All the government are doing is taking away people’s rights,” he said. “An educated country in 2018 that classes itself among the

From what we’ve been getting in the past few weeks, I dread to think what Christmas is going to be like...

12 world leaders and we’ve got poverty created by the government.

“They’re ruling with fear and people are frightened to do or say anything in case they lose the pittance they’ve got.

“There’s a rise in the amount of people coming through the doors – all food banks are experienci­ng it.“The problem is ongoing and it’s just getting worse. Politician­s say all the right words to you but talk’s cheap.”

Denis admits the search for a bigger premises in East Kilbride continues to be a sore point. After failing to secure the former Calderwood library and community centre, he is still waiting on news of another potential unit.

“The premises we’re in is too wee,” he said. “We just can’t function any more.

“We’re looking at a premises on Singer Road across from where we are. We were told we’d get in for Christmas but the building isn’t ready to move into. I’m going to get in touch with some MPs.

“People think I’m a political person because I speak about food banks all the time but I’m a people person.

“It concerns me the fact that we have kids who are not eating properly. A woman came to me and said all her two primary school boys had for four nights was dry bread and cold beans and she hadn’t eaten but pride and worry wouldn’t let her go to a food bank. That’s some power I’m holding when I’m going to decide if you’re going to eat and when you’re going to eat. It’s heat or eat.”

Denis, who was awarded an MBE for his good work with the homeless and needy, says he feels food banks are being used to plug a gap that should be filled by the welfare state – and that the real people at the centre of the problem are often forgotten.

A video of the Calderwood grandad speaking at the Scottish Parliament went viral back in 2014, as he spoke passionate­ly about food banks and the benefits sanctions that cause many people to use them.

Rememberin­g that people in need are just people is at the centre of everything Denis and wife Cathie have done for the past 26 years and they never judge.

But Denis would love to live in a more equal society, so he didn’t have to provide the services he does. “It’s dead simple,” Denis insisted. “Food banks did not exist until David Cameron, George Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith decided that everyone should be working and they cut the benefits. Your food banks started in 2010.

“Give them back their benefits, their proper benefits – it’s as simple as that. Give people back a bit of dignity and that will be the start of things getting better.

“Nicola Sturgeon wants every child to achieve its best – how does a child that goes to bed cold and hungry and wakes up in the morning cold and hungry achieve their best at school? They can’t.

“In a few years time we’re going to have a lot of angry young people because they’ve never had anything. What happened to them is we didn’t treat them properly.

“Yes we are all equal, just some are more equal than others. Scrimping and saving to survive is not living.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Crisis situation Demand for food parcels has reached critical levels
Crisis situation Demand for food parcels has reached critical levels
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Broken system A staggering 1100 emergency food parcels have been handed out to struggling East Kilbride families this year
Broken system A staggering 1100 emergency food parcels have been handed out to struggling East Kilbride families this year
 ??  ?? Hard times The Loaves & Fishes chairman Denis Curran fears for the charity’s future
Hard times The Loaves & Fishes chairman Denis Curran fears for the charity’s future

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