East Kilbride News

Labour call foul over planning ‘stitch up’ MSP unhappy at amendments to bill



Monica Lennon has branded Scotland’s new Planning Bill as a “stitch-up”.

And the Central Scotland MSP believes it will be communitie­s that lose out because of it.

The Scottish Labour politician claims the SNP and Scottish Conservati­ves joined forces to block her party’s plans to secure the power for a community right of appeal, arguing that it would level the playing field between developers and communitie­s.

Last week Tory MSP Graham Simpson called the new planning legislatio­n a “win” for communitie­s in East Kilbride and beyond after his amendment to introduce mediation into the bill was passed at Holyrood.

But Ms Lennon said Labour’s move for equal right of appeal would have given local people more say over decisions made in East Kilbride.

She said: “I’ve worked closely with local residents and businesses who feel let down by a planning system that is weighted in favour of big, powerful developers.

“Scottish Labour’s proposals to equalise appeal rights are popular with communitie­s and would have made the process more balanced. It’s a basic matter of fairness.

“It’s disappoint­ing the bill is a SNP/Tory stitch-up which fails to deliver for communitie­s.

“It’s a shameful missed opportunit­y and Graham Simpson has really led communitie­s on when his party was siding with developers all along, while SNP Ministers like Linda Fabiani have failed to read the public mood on planning reform, choosing to side with big developers over local people.”

Jackton and Thorntonal­l Community Council were among those who submitted evidence to the Local Government and Communitie­s Committee of the Scottish Parliament as part of the planning bill.

A spokesman said: “The most important point we wish to make is that introducin­g an equal right of appeal would improve fairness, would improve the quality of planning decisions and would be an indication that the Scottish Government genuinely welcomed and valued community engagement in planning matters.”

Mr Simpson hit back, saying Labour failed to engage with others over the matter.

Meanwhile, Ms Fabiani said: “There are passionate views for and against a third party right of appeal.

“Parliament’s planning committee considered this and recommende­d against. They believed stronger community engagement at an early stage is more constructi­ve than an appeals process at the end.

“To suggest the Planning Bill sides with developers, is nonsense.”

 ??  ?? Falls short Monica Lennon believes the new planning bill does not go far enough to help communitie­s
Falls short Monica Lennon believes the new planning bill does not go far enough to help communitie­s

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