East Kilbride News

Statue of Our Lady smashed

Vandals strike at church


Heartless vandals have devastated a church community by smashing a holy effigy on the day their priest buried his father.

Parishione­rs told the News they were horrified to find Our Lady of Medjugorje smashed to pieces inside St Vincent’s Church grotto on their way to morning Mass on Thursday.

And, to add to their grief, the senseless act of vandalism took place shortly after Father Ivan Boyle laid his father to rest.

The cost of the damage to the precious statue, paid for by the Greenhills Catholic church, is £1700.

Committee member Maureen Dynes said: “The pass keeper noticed the statue of Our Lady had been knocked over and smashed to bits.

“Fr Ivan buried his dad that day. He has been very good about it and asked us to turn the other cheek and pray for them. Parishione­rs are so upset about it.”

Maureen told us there have been reports online about a group of schoolgirl­s stealing garden ornaments in the Greenhills area.

She added: “I’m saddened but I’m not shocked by this as, in the two years we’ve had the grotto, we’ve had baby Jesus and an angel stolen – it’s been a trial.

“We don’t know if this was a group of schoolkids or a targeted attack as it was very heavy, filled with sand, so it would have taken some movement.

“But the fact that nothing else but Our Lady of Medjugorje – Queen of Peace – was damaged makes me think this was a targeted attack.

“Sadly we are now looking at quotes for an ornamental iron gate to protect a replacemen­t statue and prevent further attacks. Attacks like this make you stronger and more determined not to let anyone stop us expressing how we feel. We want to make this a nice peaceful area for people.”

Fr Boyle said: “We are sorry that vandals did this. We don’t think there was any sectarian element and generally have good relationsh­ips and neighbours here.”

The church committee are holding a quiz night on August 16 to raise funds for a replacemen­t statue. All are welcome to attend.

PC Lucie Black said: “Overnight a statue in St Vincent’s Church grounds was smashed. The value of the damage was £1700. Enquiries are ongoing.”

Our Lady of Medjugorje is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those who believe that she appeared in 1981 to six Herzegovin­ian teenagers in Medjugorje, in Bosnia and Herzegovin­a.

Parishione­rs are so upset about this...

 ??  ?? In pieces The broken statue lies on the ground outside St Vincent’s Church
In pieces The broken statue lies on the ground outside St Vincent’s Church

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