East Kilbride News

EU nationals forced to wait over future here



Almost 1000 South Lanarkshir­e residents are waiting to see if they will be granted permanent residency after Brexit.

In total, 2150 citizens of other EU countries have applied for settled status so they can continue to call the region ‘home’ once the UK leaves the European Union.

However, figures released by the Home Office last week revealed only 1200 had received settled status by September 30.

Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP in South Lanarkshir­e have all hit out at the “concerning” figures.

East Kilbride Central North councillor, Joe Fagan, said such issues had been reported across the UK by EU citizens in limbo.

The leader of the area’s Labour group added: “It’s deeply concerning EU citizens who have lived here and contribute­d to our economy for many years could lose out of their right to settled status because of circumstan­ces entirely outwith their control.”

The temporary pre-settled status had been offered to 600 people while the other 350 people are still waiting to find out the outcome of their applicatio­n.

That means 950 EU citizens currently have no legal right to remain permanentl­y in the UK at the end of the Brexit process.

A spokesman for the SNP group said: “These figures are concerning and another reason why the chaos and uncertaint­y of Brexit must be called to an end.

“The fact that the UK Government are making EU nationals register to remain in the country they call home is appalling and shows just how out of touch they are.

“The upcoming elections on December 12 are an opportunit­y to send Boris Johnson a message; Scotland wants no part of his Brexit Britain and we deserve a say over our future.”

Councillor Mark McGeever, deputy leader of the Lib Dem group, lambasted the failure.

He said: “This is a disgracefu­l way to treat people. “Almost half of the applicants from our communitie­s are being forced to live without the certainty they will be able to stay in the country they made home.

“I can only imagine how anxious some will feel. Not even the hardest of Brexiteers could think it fair.

“Many of these EU nationals do absolutely vital jobs in the NHS or in local businesses.

“It will be a huge loss to communitie­s in South Lanarkshir­e if Boris Johnson’s reckless right-wing government drives them away.”

He added: “These figures are a stark warning that the Tories’ failures really could create another crisis like the Windrush scandal.

“This is yet another example of why we need to stop Brexit, stay in the European Union, protect the rights of British and EU citizens, and build a brighter future for our country.

“With every day that passes it becomes more-andmore clear that Boris Johnson’s hard Brexit will have terrible consequenc­es, and Jeremy Corbyn’s refusal to support remaining in the EU proves he cannot provide the leadership Britain needs.”

Conservati­ve group leader Councillor Alex Allison had more belief in the Home Office than his colleagues.

He said: “With the figures that we have received, 1810 settled status applicatio­ns of 2150 received from South Lanarkshir­e have been concluded and I am confident that the remainder will be concluded.

“I strongly value the contributi­on EU nationals make to South Lanarkshir­e and I am pleased that the UK Government has guaranteed the status of EU nationals in the UK.

“I appreciate the settled status scheme may not appear ideal to some; however, as freedom of movement comes to an end, it is entirely necessary to ensure there is no confusion over any EU nationals’ status.

“I would encourage any EU nationals who have not yet signed up to the scheme to do so.”

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