East Kilbride News

Mud, glorious mud


Duncanrig ramblers were in the Heriot area of the Scottish Borders for two walks at the weekend – and they got very lucky with the weather.

Both walks started from Whitelaw Farm on the B7007 and even though there were good tracks, after all the recent rain it was very muddy.

Off they went up the muddy track up to Shoestane Farm and onto Heriot Cleugh reaching Heriot village before entering the woodland grounds of Borthwick Hall.

Borthwick Hall is a Category C listed building. In 1852 Charles Lawson, a noted horticultu­ralist, had a vision for a grand country house in the heart of Midlothian.

Lawson, who also served as Lord Provost of Edinburgh from 1862 to 1865, enlisted the architect

John Henderson to bring to life his vision of a baronial mansion with a collection of specimen trees in the grounds.

Henderson designed Borthwick Hall, a sprawling two-storey building with a four-storey tower and a pale cream, rendered façade. Its crowsteppe­d gables feature turrets with candle-snuffer roofs.

Inside the property there is an original Jacobean-style ceiling in the study, and the drawing and dining rooms were remodelled when the mansion changed hands in the 20th century.

Charles Lawson was noted for the introducti­on of foreign crops into the United Kingdom. Lawson became a specialist in grass seeds and conifers.

The Cupressus lawsoniana was named after him.

After a short climb, the club walkers followed the path to Corsehope before exiting the woods at the Eastern end of Heriot village and the waiting coach.

The High walk after the Climb at Borthwick Hall, carried on up to a Hill Foot, one of three near Heriot, after the Fort the walkers descended past Corsehope House before carrying on down to meet the coach in Heriot village itself.

Both groups enjoyed their social at Lasswade.

The next walks are on December 8 when the group head to Edinburgh for a walk at Dreghorn. Visitors are welcome.

Check out the www.duncanrig. com for details on all the club activities, new members welcome.

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