East Kilbride News


Join our foodbank and toy appeal


An East Kilbride foodbank is in urgent need of donations to help those most in need this Christmas.

The shelves at Loaves and Fishes are close to being empty and the goodwill and generosity of townsfolk is needed more than ever.

Denis Curran, who runs the charity, told us: “We are extremely low on everything apart from pasta, soup and baked beans.

“More and more people are coming to us and the situation is desperate.”

But townsfolk can do their bit to help the lifeline charity now by donating to the EK News Christmas appeal.

While the majority of families across the greater East Kilbride area can enjoy the decadence of the festive period, there are thousands who will go without.

So we are teaming up with EK, East Kilbride, and Sainsbury’s to help the charity in its hour of need.

We have launched our ‘reverse Advent calendar’ and are asking readers to – instead of receiving 24 treats on the countdown to Christmas – place 24 FOOD or NEW TOY items in a box or bag and donate them to Loaves and Fishes Foodbank.

That means those dependent on the charity can enjoy Christmas that little bit more, with Loaves and Fishes offering up food parcels and toys for those in need this Christmas.

Stalwart Denis said: “We are trying to keep as much aside as possible for Christmas so we can help as many people as possible, who without us would have absolutely nothing when everyone else is tucking into their Christmas dinner and opening presents.

“I would urge as many people to support the East Kilbride News Appeal as we don’ t have enough to meet demand and to continue to donate whatever they can to us so our shelves don’t empty.”

To support our appeal and Loaves and Fishes, toy donations can be made to the Customer Service desk at in the Olympia Centre and food donations to Sainsburys.

Reverse advent calendar boxes should be submitted at EK East Kilbride by Friday, December 13.

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 ??  ?? Working together Loaves and Fishes, EK, East Kilbride, Sainsburys and the News are trying to make a difference
Working together Loaves and Fishes, EK, East Kilbride, Sainsburys and the News are trying to make a difference
 ??  ?? Empty shelves Denis has pleaded for more help this Christmas
Empty shelves Denis has pleaded for more help this Christmas

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